The Plan

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The next day, Tom, Jono, Alex, Leo, and a couple of others stood in a room. There was a table in the middle with a map spread across it. They all stood around it, talking of plans, ones of action, or escape, or destruction.

Cassandra walked in and the conversation died down. She was wearing a pink skirt, and a black singlet top that had a diagonal white stripe stretching from her left shoulder to her right hip.

She walked up to the group, smiling when she saw the map.

"So, what's out plan?" She asked.

"Uhh...well...we were hoping you would know"

Cassandra frowned.




Everyone waited for her to continue.

"This tower, here" she said pointing to the map.

"We need to destroy it"

Jono frowned. "Why?"

"This tower is their main golem control" Cassandra explained.

"If we destroy it, there will be no golems"

"How will we destroy it?" Alex asked.

Cassandra answer was simple.


"TNT" Leo grinned.

Cassandra laughed.

"How will we get in?" Tom asked.

"Well, we can't approach it from the front. It's in the middle of the city, that's practically suicide"

"So..." Alex mumbled.

"Above?" Jono asked, hoping it would be yes.

"Underground" Cassandra said, which ruined everyone's day.

"There's a sewage system here. If we can find a map, then we can get in, plant explosives, and get out before it goes boom"

"Ok, people lets get to work! Make as much explosives as you can, and someone find me a sewage system map!" Tom yelled, issuing orders to everyone.

Everyone ran off, leaving Tom and Cassandra alone. Tom sighed.

"Look...about last night..."

Cassandra interrupted him by kissing him.

"We tell no one" she whispered.

He nodded, and they both went their separate ways to help everyone else.

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