The Better Plan

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Everyone gathered back at the prison cells without being spotted.

"Ok" Cassandra said.

"This is how the machine works"

She walked up to one of the empty cells and placed the middle bit on the lock. Each arm adjusted slightly until it was in a square pattern, an arm at each corner. Lasers came out of each arm and they rotated. The machine dropped to the ground, still clinging on to the newly cut bars. A perfect square hole sat in the wall, big enough for a human to climb through.

"Wow" Tom said, all four boys clearly impressed.

"So..." Cassandra continued.

"We set up two at a time on each cell. By the time the seconds ones set up, the first one will be done"

Tom grinned.

"Ok. Lets go!"

They found a long corridor of cells, each held one or two people with a familiar, dirt covered face. The machines worked quickly and effectively. But they still had to work fast. A guard could patrol by at any of the other cells and raise the alarm.

Cassandra plonked a machine down on a lock and glanced into the cell. She froze.


Rosie was sitting in the corner, her head in her arms. She looked up, her eyes puffy, tear marks streaming down her dirt covered cheeks.

"They took Duncan" she said.

"Took him where?"

"Into the city. They...they said that he knew how to fix the tower faster then anyone."

Cassandra activated the machine.

"Don't worry" she said.

"I'll go get him."

Rosie sniffed.


Cassandra smiled.

"Yes. "

"Thank you"

Cassandra discarded the machines and strode quickly up to Tom.

"They took Duncan. I'm going to get him back" she whispered.

Tom turned.

"No" he said.

Cassandra frowned.

"No? But I can-"

"Not by yourself" Tom interrupted.

"I'm coming with you"

Cassandra smiled.

"Then lets go"

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