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They climbed down the other side of the wall via the vines.

"We need a disguise" Leo said.

"Like what?" Tom asked.

"Freeze!" A voice yelled behind them.

They slowly turned to find a guard, pointing a gun at them. He was trembling, and his voice was shaking, but he tried to be confident, which Cassandra respected. It was also obvious, that he was scared out of his mind.

"You're under arrest!" He shouted nervously. Tom put up his hands.

"It's ok" he said, slowly walking towards him.

"I'm warning you..."

"It's ok" Tom repeated.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he managed to walk up to the guard. Tom gently took the gun from his quivering hands. He whimpered, but put down his hands.

"Thank you" Tom said, then hit him over the head with the butt of the gun. The guard collapsed with a moan. Tom smirked, and turned back to the others.

"What?" He asked his four friends who were staring at him.

They took the guards armour and weapons. Tom disposed of the armour as Cassandra gave a pistol to Alex, and one to Jono. Leo took the long sword strapped to his back. Cassandra decided to go weaponless and just hang at the back.

"What did you do with the armour?" Alex asked. Tom grinned.

"I..may...have thrown it over the wall"

Everyone laughed.

"Ok," Cassandra said, passing a knife to Tom.

"Lets go"

All the Lights in the Sky [Yogscast Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now