The Tower

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The group was gathered at the bottom of a rusty ladder.

"This is it" Tom said.

"Cassandra and I will go first, to make sure it's clear, then we will make a chain to get the explosives up there"

Tom descended the rusty ladder. It squeaked under his weight. Cassandra hesitated, the followed him. Tom slowly opened the hatch at the top, peeking out. No one in sight. He slid the hatch over and climbed out. He turned and helped Cassandra. They were in a building, that can only be described as a science lab. The floor and walls were marble, ad there were computers and machines on every wall. A lot of things made repetitive beeping noises.

"Clear" Tom whispered as loudly as he dared back down the hatch, careful not to raise his voice too loud. Alex climbed up to within arms reach of the top. Jono followed to about halfway, and Leo stayed near the bottom. The two siblings started passing the boxes of explosives up, taking extra care to not drop any.

Once all the explosives were in the tower, the others scrambled up, dragging the trolleys with them.

"Ok, now where do we go from here?"Jono asked.


"Lets just look around, we might find a staircase or something." Alex suggested. They all moved off, looking for any way up to the top.

"Why do we need to plant explosives at the top?" Tom asked Cassandra as he brushed by her.

"Because the golem control thing is surrounded by obsidian. We need to get past the obsidian"

"Oh, I see" he said in a posh tone and Cassandra but her lip to stop herself from laughing.

Cassandra frowned as she stood by what looked like a glass door that led into a tiny room. She pressed a button on the side and the doors swung open.

"Guys! I found a lift!" She said as loud as she dared. Everyone came over, and the siblings dragged the trolleys over.

They all squeezed in, just managing to fit everybody as the doors closed. The waited in silence, not knowing what to expect at the top of the tower.

The glass doors swung open and everyone squeezed out again. The top of the tower had no walls, but a window that stretched all the way around. Little control panels were set up all over the place, beeping and dinging.

Everyone started to unpack the TNT.

"Set it up around the panels" Cassandra said.

"That's the main thing we want to blow"

Tom nodded in agreement and it only took ten minutes for them to set everything up.

"Ok" Alex said. "Lets go before we explode"

They all took the lift down, finding it much easier to take when there weren't two trolleys of TNT with you.

Everyone headed towards the room they had entered in. Cassandra was talking as she went.

"Ok, so we go back to base, set off the explosives, then-" she stopped as she reached the room, her eyes wide, and she was yanked back by Tom.

Just before the golem saw her.

It was tiny. Made of a dark wood. One word drifted through Cassandra's mind as it filled with panic.


If it found anything suspicious, it would sound the alarm.

"How are we going to get past now?" Jono whispered angrily.

"Well..." Duncan muttered.

"There is one thing..."

"What?" Tom asked.

He held out the remote for the explosives.

"If we blow it up, the scout will die, but we only have a few seconds before this tower collapses, so we have to be quick"

Cassandra nodded.

"It's the only way" she said. Tom swallowed.


"Three..." Duncan whispered.

"Two..." Tom bit his lip.

"One..." Cassandra held her breath.

He pressed the button and the whole tower shook as the explosion went off. They ran into the next room, past the dead golem, and over to the hatch. Duncan and Rosie went first, then Leo, and Jono. The building started to collapse as Alex was scrambling down.

"Quick" yelled Tom. Cassandra grabbed the top rung and swung down, climbing quickly. Tom followed close behind, and soon they were sprinting back along the tunnel, laughing and cheering to themselves.

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