Needle in a Hay Stack

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Tom and Cassandra sneaked back into the palace without being caught.
"Where would he be?" Tom asked.
"Well..." Cassandra thought.
"He could be in the lab. He's probably there. But he might be in the tower"
She stopped.

"Lets split up"
"What? No, Cassandra-"
"We'll fine him quicker if we split up. You go to the tower, I got to the lab. We think of a plan to get him out. And then we get him out. Simple."
He sighed, knowing he couldn't win the argument.

"Fine" he mumbled. Before Cassandra could say anything, he stepped in and kissed her. His hand rested on her cheek as she pulled back.
"Don't die" he whispered.
"Right back at ya" she smiled.


I glanced back the way I had come, missing him already. Tom had always had an open mind about me. When he first met me, he trusted me. So as I followed the signs down the marble corridors, ducking behind pillars to let guards and scientists past, I thought about all the things I could've said to him before I sent him to die.

There was a huge chance he wouldn't come back. If Duncan was there or not. But we don't leave people behind. Not one.

I saw a sign that said 'lab' and followed it, listening to any other sounds except the pat of my feet echoing down the corridor. I peeked around the corner and gasped. A room full of scientists, all chained to one another, sat in the room. Some were talking. Some were crying. Some were silent, looking into the distance.

How was I disposed to find Duncan?

There were no guards, so I walked forwards, searching through the scientists until I found a blond one.
"Duncan!" I yelled, half expecting I not to be. But he looked up, startled.

"Cassandra!" He yelled back. I grinned and ran up to him.
"How do I get the chain off?" I asked.
"You need the key. I think a guard has it. But never mind that, is Rosie ok?"
"Yeah, she's fine. Really upset about you leaving though"
He sighed in relief as Cassandra looked at the corridor she had come from.

Keys. She thought.
Where would I put them?

"Is it true? About the tower?" Cassandra asked quietly. Duncan bit his lower lip.
"Yes. A week, and it'll be all set up, ready to go."
"Damn" Cassandra muttered.
"Sorry..." Duncan mumbled. She looked up.
"For what?"
" know...helping the enemy."
"Don't worry, I would've done the same thing. Now help me look for the keys!"


I sighed as I walked down the giant, empty corridor. I missed her. Cassandra had always known what to do in any situation. She was a goddess. Literally. I had found out that Cassandra was a goddess sent to lead the revolution against the king.

And I was in love with her.

I wanted to know that she was safe but there was no way of knowing until I had found Duncan and we had gotten back to area 11 with the other two thousand people.

I saw a sign for the tower, and followed it, wondering why there were so many signs in a palace. I saw a doorway up ahead.

That's it. I thought.
That's the tower entrance.

Someone walked out and I froze.
It was one of the kings bodyguards. He stood there, facing the wall. All he need to do was glance right and he would see me, just standing there.
But he didn't.

By some miracle, he just turned and walked back in the room.I breathed out, only just realising that I was holding my breath, and took a step forward.

Something flashed and then there was a cold metal scythe at my throat.
"Hello Tom" the kings voice came from behind him as my world rocked into darkness.

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