Dan Howell

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*Dan's p.o.v*

"Dan, do you have a crush on Y/N?" Phil asked with a smirk.

"psh no, why, I don't know what you mea. No." You coughed twice awkwardly.

"Right." Phil said slowly. "Then why did you invite her over. You've just met her."

"She's our neighbour and she bought us drinks, and..."

"And you love her!" Phil interrupted.

You scoffed at Phil who seemed to be enjoying himself.

"But really Dan, you don't know anything about her. Her age, her last name, her favourite movie, her crush... She might even have a boyfriend. Did you invite her over to get to know her?" Phil went on.

"... Yes!" You blurt out. Quickly covering you mouth with your hands.

"AH HA! KNEW IT!" Phil laughed.

"Shit" you mutter.


You can't stop thinking about Dan, "it's stupid" you mutter, "I'm just a fan girl. I don't love him, I look up to him. That's all... Calm down Y/N, he wants to be your friend."

"Y/N, are you ok?" Ian asked.

"Oh yeah. Fine." You mumble.

"If you don't feel well you can go, poppy will be in for her shift in a couple minutes. We don't need you."

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little dizzy, I guess I'll see you Saturday Ian."

He nodded and handed you your coat. You left. Chocked by your scarf. Flakes of glistening snow drift along, carried by the wind. You see snow in your eyelashes, snow on the ground and snow on the rooftops.

The time you've spent at work may have been short but it was long enough for the sun to set and the moon to rise. You walk over to London bridge and glare out upon the Thames. You sit on the edge of the pavement and look up at the falling snow and stars. A comet takes up your gaze. It fills you with hope and seems to warm your frozen digits.

You look at your phone 7:25 pm. You collect yourself and begin to walk to Dan and Phil's apartment.

The snow is heavier now, there's a thick layer of snow between your eyes and the world. You pull your hat over your ears which are red and frozen. You make your way up each stair with a huff of frosty breath. You are flustered and cold but you reach the top and knock on their door.

Within seconds you hear someone run to answer.

"Y/N! Just on time! Awww your nose is a pink and adorable!" Dan sings then immediately freezes and realises what he just said.

"Sorry! That was awkward and weird and no!" He's flustered.

You giggle "It's fine Dan, you're dimples are cute too. There we're even now!"

Phil's just shaking his head in the corner.

Dan awkwardly asks for your coat and gestures to follow him. You instinctively walk to the lounge.

"Wait how do you know where the lounge is?"

"Oh, um... My apartment has the same layout. Yeah... Um hum..." You cringe.

"okay well, I'm going to go and grab the spare controller and we can play video games." Phil said breaking the silence, "Y/N come with me!"

You follow Phil who is examining your every breath. "You're a fan aren't you..."

"What no, psh... Maybe?" You blurt out stammering and taken aback.

"You are."


"You are."

"Okay I am. But I don't see you as youtubers now, I see you as my neighbours."

"or lovers!" Phil added.

"no." You whisper.

"well Dan likes you. 'like' likes you."

You freeze and blush.

"And you 'like' like him too?" Phil asked.

"I don't know, Maybe?" You say shyly.

"I ship it!" Phil sang!

"he likes me?" You think to yourself zoning out.

*1 hour later*

"Okay, okay. So Y/N what's your favorite band?" Dan asked.

"*your favourite band*" you reply.

"REALLY! NO WAY!" Dan yelled.

You high five. The whole night you've been talking and laughing and singing.

You point to silent hills. They nod.

Half way through the game you feel Dan place a hand on the small of your back, sending shivers up your spine. His strong hands support you like a life ring in stormy seas.

The monster appears both of you scream and end up in a ball. Your hands are on his shoulders, his are on your waist. You look each other in the eye and blush. You both turn away giggling. You all carry on playing.

A baby cries.

"JEREMY THE SINK BABY!" You blurt out accidentally. You cover your mouth.

Dan and Phil turn to you. Phil's shaking his head in his hands.

"Okay, you got me. I'm a fan girl. I can leave it's cool." You get up to leave.

Dan grabs your wrist.

"I watch your videos too Y/N."

Phil gasps.

You gasp.

"Wouldn't it be weird to make friends with a fan. And I know where you live." You argue.

"No, I'm a fan of you and you hit me with a door!" You both giggle.

"okay, I'll stay."

Phil is clapping in the background bouncing on Dan's bed.

"He ships it." Dan mutters.

"You can spend the night if you want, it's getting late." Phil said.

You check your phone 10:27 pm.

"ok, I'll take the couch." You say.

"No, you can share with me!" Dan said...

Wake me up. Dan X readerWhere stories live. Discover now