The gathering...

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The next day, the first three classes of school went as always, and  the bell to indicate lunch time sounded as loud as always through all the school. Students came out of their classes to get their lunch from the cafeteria, a bunch of kids were walking through the halls with friends, talking, laughing, complaining, or just walking between all the people thinking of what they were going to get for lunch.

Rin was running between the lots and tons of students that were walking the oposite way....she had her notebook and notes from her class and was running pass all sorts of people to get to the spot where she and saber decided to meet. 

Saber was just walking to the spot where they were going to meet, at her own pace she got to the place....just as rin did....but rin sat quickly at the table and made a face of boredom, as if she was waiting for hours, examinating her nails......"hey, saber!" she greeted

"hello" saber responded politly..."did you wait long?" saber asked..

"nah, i just came early" she replied...."now, with which topic should we start?" rin asked....

they sat down, and started to study.....

*in the west side building*

In class 2-B3....there was a party going on given by the cheerleaders....the room was full....girls were laughing and having fun....the boys....well....they would be...but.....the popular guys of the school were there....Archer, Guilgamesh, and Lancer were being surrounded by girls, offering them drinks, some snacks, and showing of their so little skirts...showing off their figure...

"girls these days"....were the thoughts of some students and teachers while they past by that class room....

Archer was being questioned about why rin didn't came....if he wanted something to drink, if he had a girlfriend, if he was interested in someone....if he wanted to taste some snacks some girls made....and so on. This went on and on till, archer started to back away.....(those girls were trying to get hold of him....dashing their eye lashes full of makeup, showing off their so called "modern" hair styles, and so tiny skirts and Short blouses....)apart from the girls harrassing him.....(he thought it was harrasment towards him from those girls... -_-u) he could feel the death glares and cold stares from the corner of the class, were the boys standed, glaring.....

Archer backed away,he tried to gaze somewhere else....somewhere where the view of those girls trying to push up their chest to get his attention weren't visible in his sight.....

he gazed out the window, and something caught his attention....

Guilgamesh had now a "throne" (made of desks and seats) with girls clinging to him at each side....he had a glass of Dr. pepper in his hand, and was enjoying himself, with that cocky grin, his smirks, and his red  death glare.....just like a god with power...

While this was happening, the boys in the corner were being intimidated by him....with his sparklenesss he was showing off...they accepted defeat.....and the word "gloomyness" fell on top of them hard.....

While they were like that feeling depressed, a person offered them some coke....they turned to see who it was and they saw lancer offering them the first they were happy, because they thought it was girl offering them the drink....but it was lancer....they were like "oh....thanks?"

A random boy asked him...

"what are you doing here? aren't you suppoused to be surrounded by the girls?"

"yeah? why?" other asked

lancer was suprised...

"really?.... i just came to hang out with some friends and because of the food....its good by the way...."

he said, 

the boys were trying to keep their cool....but one of them lost it.....

 "lame!!! i don't believe it!!!you came just for food!? dude!!! your popular!!! you can have as so many girls at your knees and even so your here with us!!? what the hell is wrong with you!!!!" he shouted to lancer....he was suprised....

"so...what your saying is guys just came because of the girls???" lancer asked....

he chuckled and took a sip from his drink..."now thats lame" he muttered

he turned around and called for some cheerleaders.....they came right away at him, and he told them to make the boys some company....

he left and as soon he was alone....girls surrounded him....just like archer...they made lancer feel awkward...and uncomfortable....the reason?, the girls were pushing up their chest, and dashing their eyelashes... trying to slip their hands under his T-shirt....(thats why those two, "lancer, and archer" think the girls harrass them...) he backed away and got a glimpse of archer...the girls were complaining he wasn't looking at them....Lancer saw that weird....

One girl of archers harrassing group looked to the direction he was looking....and gasped

"hey!!! isn't that Rin!?" she asked, which got the attention of others...

"Who's she with!?...." they started to mutter....

lancer and guilgamesh, even though they were with some girls...their attention was focused on what they were saying....

"AH!!! isn't that..!?" one girl pounted out

"your right!!!!" another girl said

"what was his name...."one mutter

"you mean...Her, name" another comented....

"oh! i know!!!..." another girl said

"Saber!!! her name is saber!!" another girl said...

That got the attention of those two imediately.....

they looked through the window with archer and saw...

Rin, talking with saber....walking with someone from somewhere....

"well who would imagen....?" guilgamesh comented, crossing his arms....

"the one who she was going to meet up with....resulted to be the mighty knight?" he comented 

those three and others looking at them, from the second floor.....

* In the office of the school, *

A meeting was getting started....the masters were having a conversation really important....

"then its decided..."

"yes.....everyone agreed to the decision is finale"

"five days....a battle will be set up...."

the photos of the "servant knights" were  on a table....




"let the best knight win...."

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