My Arrival

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

It was dark, it was cold, and it smelled like feet. I had no I idea how I had found myself in this box, but I didn't like it.

The box suddenly lurched upwards, sending me onto the floor with a thud. I stretched myself out on the floor and stayed there for a long time, the box traveling upwards.

I couldn't remember anything about myself. Absolutely nothing, except for my name. (Y/N). Weird.

Suddenly, the box stopped. My destination awaited me. I stood up in order to at least seem dignified. There was a loud clank followed by a blinding light. I covered my eyes as the doors opened up.

Multiple murmurs could be heard above me. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, I looked up to see lots of boys looking down at me with shocked, bewildered, and confused expressions.

"It's a girl!"

"I call dibs!"

"Is she hot? I can't see!"

"How old?"

"She looks about fifteen!"


I face palmed. These boys had obviously not seen a girl in a long time.

When I looked back up at the crowd, I spotted a boy, maybe fifteen years old, with blond hair and the weirdest eyebrows ever looking down at me. I couldn't quiet decipher his expression, but when he noticed I was looking at him, he blushed and looked away. I smirked.

As the crowd continued to make comments about me, another blond boy pushed his way to the front. He leaned over the edge to look down at me.

"Hi! I'm Newt!" He called.

"I'm (Y/N)." Wanting to get out of that box, I skillfully jumped out (like a ninja). I landed perfectly, drawing a few impressed looks from the crowd, and looked at Newt. I held my hand out for him to shake, which he did, earning a few jealous glares.

"Nice to meet you Newt."

The boys studied me as I checked out my surroundings. They whispered commentary to each other.

"She's so cool."

"Who's gonna be the lucky Keeper?"

"I hope she's working with me."

"Forget that, who's going to be the lucky guy?"

I then notice how many boys were in the crowd. I was surrounded by fifty or sixty boys, all looking at me.

Ignoring them, I looked around from where I stood. I was in a large field maybe two or three times the size of a football field. It was surrounded on its four sides by four enormous walls. There was a ginormous opening on each wall and I could see what appeared to be a maze beyond them. I wondered why.

I was drawn out of my thoughts as the crowd opened up to reveal dark skinned boy, maybe seventeen years old, making his way to me. He was probably the leader.

He looked me up and down, observing me. "Well, this is new."

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