The Tour

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"Are the Creators changing the rules?! This is so weird. Shuck! Why does it all have to be so complicated?!" The leader rubbed his temples. "Maybe she's a bomb!"

He stuck his ear to my stomach and poked me. I watched him and rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

"Or, or, maybe she was sent to destroy us with her cooties!"

I face palmed. What is it with boys?

Newt stepped in before the leader could make any more weird guesses. "Alby, maybe they just made a mistake, or are just trying to test us, or they just forgot to send girls this whole time."

"Yah," Alby said, relaxing a bit. "Hey! Chuck!" A short and pudgy boy made his way to where we stood.

"Yes, Alby?"

"Can you give...ummm..."

"(Y/N)," I said. 

"Can you give (Y/N) a tour while it's still light out?"

"Yes, sir! Come on, (Y/N)!" He linked his arm with mine. He's such a goof. Plus, he's about a head shorter than me, which makes this even more interesting.

Alby called out to the rest of the boys. "Everyone, back to work. And wipe those jealous looks off of your faces." He then turned back to me. "Oh, and (Y/N), welcome to the Glade."

As we left, the blond dude with the weird eyebrows stopped us.

"H-h-hi," he said shyly. "I'm Gally."

"(Y/N)," I replied sternly. Chuck sent Gally a surprised look.

"What do you want, Gally?" Chuck asked, confused.

"Can I talk to you, Chuck?" Gally asked.

"Yah, sure." Chuck motioned for me to stay here and walked with Gally to a tree nearby.

I stood there, awkwardly, watching the other boys work. Some would look up from their work at me, wink, then look away. Ugghhhhhhhhh. 

I put my hands behind my head to stretch while observing the possible jobs that I could see.

I turned to look back at Gally and Chuck. Chuck was leaning against the tree, looking up at Gally with a surprised look on his face, acting like that's not how Gally normally acts. I wouldn't be surprised. He looks really tough, like he's the leader of an army that's seen a thousand wars. He's kind of handsome too. A possible love interest if we weren't in this situation, preoccupied by survival. Besides, love is seemingly just a petty thing in the Glade. I don't need some dude to depend on.

My thoughts were interrupted by a jab in the side.

"Hey, (Y/N)! You ready?" Chuck looked up at me, a big grin on his face.

"Yep, but what was that about?" I looked around for Gally and spotted him heading towards his workplace.

"Oh! Uh, Gally wants us to make sure that we stop by his work."

"Oh, ok. So, does everyone here have different jobs?"

"Yah. There are the Sloppers, Baggers, Trackhoes, Builders, Runners, Mapmakers, Cooks, Med-jacks, and the Blood Housers. We'll be visiting a few on this tour but you'll see them all when it's time to get your job. And the different jobs are led by the Keepers. Gally's the Keeper of the Builders. Oh, and I think he might have a crush on you!" He said teasingly.

"Sure, but I bet you most do considering the fact that I'm the only girl."

"Well, yah. But, it's just..."

"What?" I asked curiously.

"He normally doesn't act like this. All sweet and shy. He's normally the tough guy, the 'don't mess with me or else I'll hurt you' guy. I mean, if he had any other emotions besides angry or annoyed, we hadn't seen them before." Chuck looked around. "Well, I think we should start the tour if we don't want to disappoint Gally."

I nodded in agreement as Chuck linked his arm with mine again, leading me away to start the tour.

Chuck first brought me to the Homestead, where I saw Alby talking to some of the Gladers. They all stopped to talk with us, which was awkward because they all looked at me hungrily. Whatever. Chuck explained to me that the homestead was pretty much like the center of the whole Glade. 

Chuck then brought me to the big walls and explained that there was a maze on the other side. He told me that the four big doors that lead to the maze close every night and that I shouldn't go in there at night because it would be a death sentence.

Next, he took me to the Deadheads. He told me about the boy that was sliced in half after an attempt to go down the way the box came up to escape. They buried him there in a glass box as a reminder to all who try to escape that way. Good to know.

Chuck decided to take me to the gardens where the Keeper, Zart the Fart, as Chuck called him, gave us a general idea of where things are in the garden. Some of the Track-hoes tried to flirt with me, but I easily put down their pick up lines. Zart also asked us to take some produce to the cook.

Our next stop was the kitchen, where a dark skinned boy named Frypan was cooking our dinner. We gave him the produce from the gardens and he thanked us. He asked me to sample tonight's dinner and I was surprised at how amazing it was considering their situation.

Our last stop was the Builder's place. 

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