The Blame Game

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Lucy's POV

How could I have done that?! I'm such and idiot! What the shuck, Lucy?! I cursed myself for my stupidity. It's my fault (Y/N) went through that! 

I know that I wasn't as well-liked or as sought-after as (Y/N), and anyone else would be jealous, but I think that it's awesome to have someone like her in my life. She's strong and independent and she doesn't care about what the guys think. She just wants to survive.

I couldn't help but feel a connection to her. Maybe it's just because we're both girls, or it's because we knew each other before. Who knows.

I just want her to be ok. 

All day, the boys have been coming in to cry over her, pay their respects, leave little gifts, or whatever the shuck they do. Whenever one of them noticed me, they would turn away and whisper to each other as they left, sneaking glances at me. I get it! It's my fault! 

I watched (Y/N) breathe peacefully. Apparently the boys had been surprised that she hadn't gone through the changing yet, whatever that is. They said it was unusual that she had just slipped into a coma-like sleep. 

I had been sitting there all day watching over her and the gash on her forehead that would stop bleeding and seem to be fine for a while but suddenly begin to bleed again. Blood had begun to crust over under her eyes where the liquid had slipped from her forehead into her eyes. 

I grabbed a wet reg and began to lightly message away the crusty blood. She slightly stirred under my touch, her eyes opening halfway. 

"Lucy?" she asked in a soft voice, putting her hand on my cheek. I placed my hand on hers, pressing my cheek into her hand. "What happened? Where am I?"

I was about to answer her, but she had already slipped away, into her deep sleep. 

"Please come back to us, (Y/N),"  I cried into her soft but rough hand. "Please." 

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