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Gally's POV

A little while before the doors open...


I almost didn't hear Frypan knocking on the door through my broken sobs. I shot up, turning away from the door and frantically wiping off my face. 

"Uh, Gally?" 

I took a deep breath. "Yeah?" I choked out. 

Frypan put his hand on my shoulder, "We all want her back, trust me. We all miss her."

"What if she doesn't survive the night?" I sniffled, trying not to sob out my feelings. "What if the Grievers get her and we can't get to her? What if I never see her again?" What if... what if she never knows how I feel about her?"

Frypan laughed. "Dude, if she hadn't figured out that you liked her, then I would be seriously concerned. The way you drooled over her every move wasn't exactly discreet." Frypan put his hand on my back, giving it a small pat. "Just, don't try to stress out ok? Everyone needs to be at their best in order to get through this. Ok?"

I nodded, sniffling into my hand. 

"Now get out, I don't need your snot getting in the food." 

A sudden mixture of yells and screams filled the air as another Glader ran past me. "Alby! Newt! Minho! Come quick!"

Annoyed, Minho asked, "What do you want?"

"Yah what could be so important?" A sniffling Newt inquired, his eyes puffy and red. 

"It's (Y/N)!" With that the boy grabbed multiple of the long sticks that were used to banish Gladers to the maze. "Come on!" The four of them ran off in the direction of one of the Maze entrances, where a crowd of Gladers was beginning to form. 

I looked back at Frypan to give him a worried look, which he returned. I quickly turned to the Maze entrance and sprinted to where three Gladers were pushing back three different Grievers. 

Then I saw her. 

The blood, the flesh, the tears. Her ragged clothes were stained with blood and her eyes, her eyes once (E/C), were a dull red from the blood oozing from a gash in her forehead. What trauma could have caused this? No Griever attacks have ever been so violent. Why did it happen to her? 

Everything seemed to stop as her eyes closed. Newt suddenly rushed through to her, gathering her form in his arms. In Newt's shucking arms. I tried to push through the crowd to help, but I was stopped by a shaking Chuck grabbing my arm. 

I turned to slap him away but he immediately started to sob. Frypan, who was standing behind me, rushed forward to him and hugged him to his chest, allowing him to sob into his apron. 

I turned back to Newt and (Y/N). Shuck. Newt quickly stood up and began to push through the crowd, heading towards the homestead. Shuck. 

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