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Chuck's point of view. 

I watched the scene as it unfolded before me, smiling to myself as Gally kissed (Y/N) on the head. 

"Hey, Chuck!" I heard someone call behind me. I turned to see Newt. He limped towards me and gave me a slap on the back. "What have you been up to lately?"

"Nothing much. Just trying to do my best in making the Glade a better place." 

Newt nodded and sat down next to me. "So, have you been hanging out with (Y/N) lately?"

I gave him a weird look. "Yah, why?"

He looked away and rubbed the back of his head. 

"Don't tell me you like her." I already had enough on my plate with trying to keep Zart away from her. He always found a way around my many distractions. 

"Well then I won't tell you." He crossed his arms and looked down at his lap. He stayed like that for about a minute before looking at me. "Ok, fine. I really like (Y/N). She's funny and loving and pretty and just really attractive to me. Will you help me win her over?"

"Do it yourself," I said sternly. Newt gave me a look of confusion and hurt. 

"W-why not?" He stuttered. Newt's lip started to quiver. "W-why won't y-you help me?" He started to cry and was immediately surrounded by Minho, Alby, and Frypan, all comforting him and giving me looks of disappointment. 

I shrugged and continued to eat my chili. The other Gladers began to exchange looks of confusion and concern. By now, Newt was sobbing and I wondered why he cared so much about (Y/N). 

I sighed. I had had enough of his sobbing. "Newt, I won't help you because I like her too," I lied. 

"Oh. Well this is awkward. Well, then I guess I have some competition." He sniffled and wiped his nose.

I wasn't going to worry about Newt winning her over. Gally has a pretty good chance. 

++the next day, afternoon++

I was searching frantically for Lucy around the Glade. I told her to meet me at the homestead twenty minutes ago, but she never showed up. I had checked everywhere, she just wasn't anywhere. 

Just as I was about to give up, I spotted her blonde hair flowing in the wind, right in front of one of the doors to the Maze. 

"Lucy!" I called to her. She spun around, her brown eyes wild and curious. "Don't go in there!" 

"Why not?" She was slowly creeping backwards to the opening of the Glade, curiosity finally getting the best of her. Lucy turned and ran into the Glade, disappearing from my sight. 

I ran to get (Y/N) and Newt, knowing that I should not look for her myself. 


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