Another Girl

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

It had been about a month since I first arrived in the Glade and Gally and I had gotten a lot closer since then. We were becoming great friends. Too bad love doesn't seem like a thing that happens in the Glade, considering how survival is top priority. Anyways, Chuck had told me that we should be expecting someone new soon and when the box did come up, no one was expecting the newest arrival to be another girl.

"Again? Why is this happening?!" The distressed leader could not make sense of what was happening and was frantically running around the box. 

"How old?"

"Fifteen, maybe."


I rolled my eyes then jumped into the box to help her out. She looked frightened and unsure of what to do. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a loose bun and her clothes where very disheveled, just like mine. I leaned over her to look into her brown eyes. "Hey, Greenie. What's the name?"

"Lucy," she answered nervously. 

"Mines (Y/N)." I offered my hand for her to take, which she did shakily. I pulled her up on her feet. I hopped out of the box and reached down to help Lucy out. I pulled her out with ease then disappeared back into the crowd, mysteriously, if I might add. Alby could take it from there.

*Time Skip brought to you by Minho*

I can see how our newest addition was so weird. I mean, I had been the only girl up until now, and the 'Creators' had just started sending them. Maybe it was just a test. Who knows. But I'm just glad there's another girl around. Hopefully she'll take some of the boys attention away from me.

I was in the middle of butchering a hog when I heard a small cry. I turned around to see Lucy and Newt, probably on a tour. Lucy seemed to be very uncomfortable looking at all the blood on my clothes. 

I looked down at the hog then back at Lucy. "We've got to eat, ya' know, Luce."

She just nodded at my comment then slowly followed Newt to the next destination on their tour. Ha. I don't think she'll be a Blood Houser. I turned back to my work, but stopped again when I heard someone behind me again. 

It was Newt. "(Y/N), I forgot to tell you. You need to get closer to Lucy, cause your both girls and she seems like the kind of person who won't open up to us guys, so, yeah."

"She just got here, so there's plenty of time to get to know her, so, yeah," I replied, copying his tone.

"Thanks," he called to me as he left to join Lucy again. 

"Uh huh." I'll probably just watch her from a distance first, maybe show myself every once in a while, see what type of person she is.

A/N: Don't be a ghost reader! Vote! 

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