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(Y/N)'s POV

I stared up at the night sky, feeling my way along the vines on the walls of the Maze. Despite the thumping of my heart, it was a peaceful atmosphere. The night sky was pitch black, not giving any indication to a moon or stars, but it was still gorgeous. I took in the scent of metal, stone, and vegetation, calming myself. 

I heard a clicking in the distance, slowly getting louder as what I assumed was a Griever made its rounds. 

I spotted one of the metal creatures on the wall, scuttling away. I lurched for it, the griever's claw cutting deeper into my shoulder. I lurched for the bug again, grabbing it and making it face me, it's legs flailing, "eyes" searching. I slowly crushed it's body, looking into its eyes, a small smile on my face, hoping whoever was on the other side of this bug was watching, if there was a camera or anything inside this small, metal thing. There had to be. 

Bored already, I felt the remains of the bug slip out of my hands, hearing them hit the ground below me a few seconds later. 

I became lost in my own little world of moving slowly in the dark, running my hands over the vines, and listening to the Grievers get closer and closer. I wasn't panicked, not at all. I was in a state of shock from how stupid Lucy had been, and how much more stupid I had been for switching places with her. I cursed myself, letting my emotions hit me like a hammer. What if I didn't get out? What if I never saw any of the guys again?

I let my tears roll down my cheeks, onto my shirt which had become torn and ragged. I wished Gally were there to comfort me, to hold me. Shuck. He'll never know how I felt. Shuck my brain prioritizing my survival. 

I looked to the sky, slowly becoming lighter. How long had I been out here? It didn't feel long enough. 

I looked around frantically, excited, knowing the doors would be opening soon. I spotted one in the distance, I quietly moved towards it, careful not to alert any Grievers. 

A sudden whirring sound caught my attention, and I looked to the ground. There, in a heap in one of the dead ends to my left, was a Griever. My breath hitched in my throat as it turned to me. Just then, a loud bang filled my ears as the door opened. On the other side was Chuck, carrying a large bundle of sticks to help with building a fence. I quickly pressed my finger to my lips, slowly moving towards him, but picking up my pace as the Griever slowly got up. 

The air was suddenly filled with whirs and clicks as more Grievers could be seen in another dead end. 

"Shuck," I whispered to myself. How did I not notice these? 

Not caring whether or not they saw me anymore, I ran to the door. Stumbling as I lost my footing on an appendage that had shot out at me. I quickly scrambled to my feet and sprinted to Chuck, who had dropped his sticks and was calling my name, trying to get me to run faster. 

"Come on, (Y/N)! You've got this! Let's go!" By now, several other boys had shown up, none of which were Gally, all shouting words of encouragement. 

I was almost there, almost, if I could just go a couple more meters. Come on (Y/N)! I can do this. 

Suddenly, an appendage wrapped itself around my waist, blood oozing from the place of impact on my stomach. Shuck.

I saw another metal appendage shoot towards me. I felt it dig into my shoulder, bones cracking, flesh splitting, blood splattering against the wall. I turned my head toward the Griever, blood and tears in my eyes. 

Suddenly, I felt something poke me, like a needle, in the side. I looked down to see one of the grievers many appendages in my side, blood slowly leaving the spot where it had impaled me when it pulled itself from my skin. 

It paused for a second which gave me a chance to quickly tear myself away from the Griever, holding my side while running, holding onto the door for support, blood falling from my mouth as Chuck stared at me, in absolute shock. 

Three boys had shown up with long sticks to hold back the Griever as Newt and Chuck ran forward, Newt taking me in his arms. 

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