Lucy May...

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(Y/N) Point of View

I paced back and forth at a table, nervous about how Gally may react to what I'm going to talk to him about. No. I'm not confessing my love. I've said before and I'll say it again. He's a distraction from the main goal of finding a way out of this place. I wanted to talk to him about Lucy. 

She was way too curious about the maze. I didn't want her to go out there at all. I didn't know her well at all, but I can't help but feel like an older sister to her. I feel connected to her in some way. I wanted to ask him to help me protect her from her dangerously curious self. I had made a silent promise to myself the night of the bonfire that I would protect her as if she were my own kin. 

"(Y/N)?" I spun around to see Gally standing with a plate of Frypan's chili. There was a look of concern on his face. He put his plate down and put his hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Uhhhmm hi, Gally," I said nervously as his grip on my shoulders tightened. "I'm fine, I just wanted to talk to you." 

Gally looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Yah? About what?"

"It's Lucy."

He gave me a look of confusion. "What about her?"

"She seems way to curious about the maze. I don't want her to get hurt. She's weak and naive."

"Wow you're brutally honest." Gally squeezed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. "Well I'll help keep an eye on her for you!" He gave me a quick peck on the top of my head and looked down at me with a loving look. 

I could feel my cheeks heating up as he continued to look at me. "Uhm Gally." 

His cheeks quickly lit up and he quickly jumped away, falling down to the ground. He scrambled to his feet and waved his hands frantically. "I'M SO SORRY! I'M REALLY SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I mean, I did, but still... I'M SO SORRY."

I couldn't help it. Gally was just too damn adorable. I started to laugh at him, trying my best to not fall to the floor. His face was so priceless when he first jumped away from me! And when he was waving his arms around! He's too much! 

"It's fine, Gally! I was just surprised!" I sat down on the bench and grabbed his plate of chili, which was already becoming cold. He sat next to me and rubbed his hands together awkwardly. 

"So Lucy and you are friends?" 

"Yah, I'd say so. She's like a little sister, and I will protect her with my life. I feel connected to her, even though I don't even know her that well." Gally nodded and looked away. 

"I know what that feels like, (Y/N), but I don't know how it could be that I'm connected to someone I've just met." He at me a gave me the sweetest smile, his cheeks a bit red and his eyes squinted. 

I tried not to laugh at his adorableness but I was too much and a let small giggles escape my lips. Oh Gally, you're too much. 

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