The Bonfire

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"Wow, (Y/N)! You can really hold your liquor," I heard Zart say to (Y/N). "How many of those have you had?"

"Seven." (Y/N) pointed to the glasses sitting beside her. She wasn't really showing any signs of drunkenness, where most of the Gladers would have already passed out. My special concoction can normally end your normal mind flow in just two swigs. Weird. 

I heard a thud beside me. I sighed. "What, Minho"

"Don't you think *hic* (Y/N) is *hic* pretty?" He slurred his words and pointed dramatically at (Y/N) while leaning on me. Minho obviously had had too much to drink. 

I face palmed and turned to Newt, who was a few steps away. "Newt, control your dog!"

Newt gave me a look of confusion then noticed Minho leaning on me in his drunken state. "Minho!" 

"Hey, look! *Hic* It's a pretty princess," he drawled while trying to stand up. Minho finally stood and sauntered over to Newt, putting his arm around him. "I wanna take you to my *hic* castle and let's fight a *hic* dragon. It keeps eating *hic* my socks." 

Newt rolled his eyes and dragged Minho back to the homestead while trying to stop himself from laughing. 

"Whatever," I said. I turned my attention back to where (Y/N) had been sitting to find that she wasn't there. I looked around frantically to make sure that she hadn't been dragged away by some guy. 

I finally spotted her standing over by the bonfire talking with Alby about who knows what. Arghhh! I want to be the one talking to (Y/N). Why won't she talk to me?! 

Oh wait, I know why! It's because I haven't gotten up off of my lazy ass to talk to her! Get your act together, Gally! Show some effort! Ugh. I need help.

"Psst. Gally,"I heard a brat whisper behind me.

I sighed, annoyed. "Chuck, you aren't supposed to be here."

"Yah, I know, so let's make this quick before anyone notices me."

"What do you want?" 

"It's not about what I want, it's about what you want," Chuck whispered. What's this kid getting at? "I notice the way you look at (Y/N), the way you watch her with a strong look of want."

"Get to the point!" I yelled too loudly. Multiple people looked at me only to see that I was talking to a bush. 

"Cool it. I would like to offer my help."

"How would you help?"

There was no answer. 

"Chuck? Chuck? This isn't funny," I whispered angrily.


"Klunk. Now what?"

"Lady and gentlemen! I would like your attention please!"

Oh no. 

I slowly turned around to see a short hooded figure standing in front of the bonfire. 

Oh no. 

"Chuck! You're not supposed to be here," yelled Frypan. 

"How did you know it was me?" Chuck whined. 

Frypan replied, "I just did, now go back to bed."

"Let me just deliver this message!"

Oh no.

"Quickly!" Frypan said, annoyed. 

Chuck cleared his throat. "It has been requested by Gally that the Newbie join him in the fight circle. (Y/N), do you accept this request."

"I accept," (Y/N) replied, her voice strong. 

"All righty then. To the circle!" Chuck tried to make his way to the circle but was grabbed by Frypan. 

"Oh no, not you, Mister."

"Aww. Come on!"

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