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Tiffany's POV
As the lunch bell rings, I make my way to my table. It's the most perfect table in the school. Why? Well first of all, I have all my friends who sit with me. Even when I'm broke, which I usually am, they share their food with me and we talk about the most random things that seem interesting to us. Second of all, it's close to the lunch line. Last, but definitely not least, we get a perfect view of the holy family from our table. Oh right, let me explain.

This holy family isn't an actual church thing, but rather a group of really important people in our school. First, there's God: Chris. He's the main guy in their group. Basically everyone loves him cause he's really friendly and good-looking. Next, there's Jesus: Rick. He's Chris's best friend and he gets all the girls in this school. Every. Single. One. Then there's The Holy Spirit: Steven. He's known for being really nice to everyone and being really chill. Next, there's Mary: Joey. He just minds his own business and doesn't really bother anyone. He gets a little snobby sometimes, but I don't really mind him. Last but not least, there's Moses: Justin. He's really underrated, but he's cool and nice and really cute. I am low-key in love with him.

My friend Kimberly walks to our table and we sit down.

"Are they here yet?" She asks.

"No but I saw them talking in the halls earlier," I said, "they're gonna come any minute now."

Then they come like magic. I can't describe the feeling exactly, but it feels like magic. When they come walking in their group. Oh my gosh, I sound the biggest fan girl. But they really are amazing. I have never talked to them, but I just know that they are that great.

"Gosh, I just want Chris to love me," Kim says.

"@ Justin," I say.

So that's how we go on for lunch, and every other lunch this year. It's our third year in high school and they still don't even know who we are. I've talked to them once, but I doubt they would remember me. Sigh. I still remember when I first talked to Justin. It was after school when I was talking to one of his friends about class work. He was so nice, he even helped me with it. Then that was it. I see him all the time, but I never talk to him. I'm making it my goal this year to make him notice me.

Then suddenly the bell rings and I know that everyone is going to crowd the hallways, so I rush to my locker. I wave bye to Kim before I go, then I fast-walk to my locker. I make my way past this crowd of students, and someone hits me from behind. The books in my hand land on the floor, and a fiery rage runs through my head. I turn around, ready to tell off whoever bumped into me. Then I see Justin standing in front of me with his friend. I turn around quickly, my cheeks flushing. Justin walks in front of me and bends down. He picks up my books and my heart rate goes from 85 bpm to 150. I bet it is so loud that he can even hear it. He's onto me.

"Are you okay?" He says as he hands me my books, "I'm sorry."

"Oh yeah, thanks," I say.

This is so difficult. I'm trying to talk as calmly as possible when I feel like there's a bomb ticking in my chest. I smile and walk away before he can see my cheeks get even more flushed.


Kimberly's POV

As the bell rings, I head over to Physics, my favorite class. I just love learning about stuff I will never use later on. Who am I kidding? I only like Physics cause I have that class with Chris. When I walk in, my teacher Mr. Eagle is taking role already. He's starting class pretty early today. I take a seat and listen to his announcement.

"When we come back after winter break, it will be the start of the spring semester," Mr. Eagle says, "So I want you all to start your end of the year science projects."

I hear groans of disappointment come from every corner of the room.

"Remember, this is worth 25% of your grade, so it can either make you or break you. But don't worry, I will let you guys have partners. However, I will choose your partners. I will put the list on my board, so line up to see who you're paired with."

He puts the list on the board and we rise one by one to see it. I don't really care who I'm paired with, as long as they share the work with me. I hate when I end up doing all the work. I make it to the list and look for my name. I find it and shift my eyes to the right to see who I'm partnered up with and it is... Chris. Oh no. I should be happy, but I'm pretty much just scared. I'm not gonna get a good grade if I waste all my time looking at him! I am having a little panic attack, so I decide to sit down. It's ok, I'll just do the work and pretend he's not there. I compose myself and stand up to make my way towards his desk.

"Um, I guess we're partners," I say.

"Ok so should we plan what we're going to do first?" He replies.

"Yeah, sure," I say.

"Can you set the date?" He says.

"Date? What?" I say as my heart starts palpitating at the word.

"For when we can plan this project out."

"Oh, the project. Yeah, we can do it during office hours."

"Great, uh can I put my number in your phone?"

"Wait what?"

"So we can contact each other regarding the project."

"Oh right, okay," I say as I give him my phone.

He hands me his phone and I take it. I put my number in it and try to keep calm. Then the teacher rings his bell and I am literally saved by the bell. I go back to my seat and look at Chris's number on my phone. How did this even happen? One minute, I'm staring at him from my lunch table and before I knew it he was giving me his number.

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