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Kimberly's POV

I sit in my living room with my parents and Nathan. Nathan is my friend from grade school. In the fifth grade, he moved to the east coast but we still keep in touch. He came for the weekend cause it's my parents 25th anniversary celebration. They invited him, I guess. So now we're in my living room, on a Friday afternoon, talking about life. Our parents talk in the kitchen. I pull out my yearbook from sophomore year.

"Whoa you've changed so much in a year!" Nathan says.

"I know right?" I say.

"Wait why does this person have a heart next to their picture?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

Then he closes the book and stands up.

"I'm going to use the restroom," he says.

He leaves the room and I look through my yearbook again. Then the doorbell rings and I open the door. I see Chris standing in front of my house carrying our project and freak out. I completely forgot about our project.

"Hey, I brought the project," he says.

"Oh yeah," I say.

I lead him in and introduce him to my parents and Nathan's parents. 

"Oh Kimmy, is this your boyfriend?" Nathan's mom asks.

"Of course not!" I say, "We are working on a project together."

We walk out of that room and cheeks start turning red. I can't believe that she asked that! I sit down in the living room with Chris and Nathan walks in.

"Who's this?" Nathan asks.

"Nathan, this is Chris," I say, "my project partner."

"Oh I see," Nathan says, "Nice to meet you."

"Same," Chris says, "Uh, I'm sorry but we're gonna be working on a project, so.."

"Oh I can stay and help!" Nathan says.

"Really? Thanks so much!" I say.

Chris takes a deep breath and sighs. Then he gets our project and puts it on the table. We start working on the project for a few minutes then Nathan sits down next to me.

"Remember when we worked on the science fair together?" He says

"How could I forget winning first place with you?" I say.

"We did something like this right?" He says as he points at my project.

"Yeah but like fifth grade level," I say.

We laugh and I remember the fun times I had in grade school. Then Chris coughs out loud and seemingly on purpose. I get back to the project and Nathan helps us with it. I can tell that Chris is a little annoyed that Nathan is helping us with the project. Maybe he thinks Nathan will mess it up. I stand up and grab a few snacks from the kitchen and then bring some back for them. After a few hours of working on the project, we finally finish and set it aside.

"I'm so glad we're done with that," I say.

"Really? I enjoyed working on it," Chris says.

I look at him, surprised. "Seriously?"

"Yeah it was actually fun," he says.

"Are you guys done? I made dinner, come on," my mom says.

"Oh Chris is going now," I say.

"Actually I don't have anything to do, so can I stay for dinner?" He asks.

"Of course!" My mom says.

We have dinner with Nathan's family and Chris. During dinner, the adults keep talking politics and other stuff that adults talk about. I eat my food awkwardly as Chris sits in front of me. It feels weird for him to be here since we were just working on our project. He must be either really hungry or really bored.

"Do you want some chicken?" Nathan asks.

I nod and he puts some chicken on my plate. Then as I eat my chicken, I notice that Chris is looking at me. Am I eating weirdly or something? I finish my rice and look up to get some more. Then Chris hands me the bowl of rice and I take it.

"Thanks," I say.

He continues eating and I try not to eat awkwardly so he doesn't look at me.

"So how's school?" Nathan's mom asks.

"It's good," I say and smile, "I'm in choir and medical focus program."

"That sounds great," she replies.

"How about you Chris? Do you have any extra curricular activities?" My mom asks.

"I'm in basketball and volleyball, but I'm thinking about joining choir this semester," he says.

I nearly choke on my food when he says that. Chris joining choir? I'm going to have class with him then. I start thinking of all the possibilities and then try to calm down. Why would he want to join choir all of a sudden? Maybe cause his friends are in it. It just seems so strange that he would join. We finish dinner and then sit down on the sofas in the living room to watch tv. I sit a few inches away from Nathan on the sofa and watch a show. Then Chris suddenly sits in between us and leans forward. He's acting strange today.

When we finish watching tv, Nathan and his family leave. Then Chris says bye and leaves as well. It seems like a strange day, especially since Chris was acting weird today. I lie down in bed and watch tv till I fall asleep.

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