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Kimberly's POV

"You went on a freaking date with Justin!!" I scream over the phone with Tiffany.

"Oh my gosh no we were both staying after school, so we just hung out," she says.

"Ok, hang out, whatever," I say, "I'm going to do my project now so don't disturb me for the next two hours."

I hang up and park my car by the side of Chris's house. Okay, breathe Kim. I have nothing to worry about, I'm just doing a project. It's just putting pieces together and buying supplies and stuff. I really need to get it together. I've been sitting in my car for five minutes, just thinking about what I'm going to say when I walk in. I'm so nervous. Here goes nothing. I walk out my car and walk to his house. Then I ring the doorbell and wait for him to come to the front. He opens the door as he's eating a pizza.

"Hey, come in," he says, "I have pizza if you want some."

"It's okay I've eaten already," I say.

"So should we start the project outline?" He asks.

"Yeah, I brought my laptop."

"Okay let's go to the living room."

We work on researching some material for about an hour or so and then pile it all up together. It is so not fun researching physics things that I barely understand, but Chris played his Spotify playlist during our work time. It's funny cause we have the same taste in music.

"Hey Chris do you know how to print this out?" I ask.

He comes walking towards me, then puts his hand on the mouse. He leans over to print the papers, and suddenly his arm is over my shoulder. I don't know what to feel except really awkward. I'm trying to keep my cool even though I'm internally crying. Then his mom comes in the room.

"Hi!" She says.

"Hello," I say politely.

"You are doing the project with Chris right?" She asks.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," I say with a smile.

"I'm going to make snacks!" She says and leaves.

"We're pretty much done, right?" Chris asks.

"Yeah we just need to compile all the info together into a report," I say.

"You wanna get some food?" He asks.

"Sure," I reply.

We walk to the kitchen, as I'm shaking from nervousness. I'm gonna blow it. When we walk in, his mom is preparing snacks for us.

"Are you done mom?" Chris asks.

"It's only been 2 minutes! Give her a house tour or something!" She says.

"Okay, geez," he says.

We walk out the kitchen and sit in the living room again.

"Gosh she's so annoying," Chris says.

"It's okay my mom gets like that too," I say.

"Anyway, do you want a house tour?" He asks.

"Sure," I say with a smile.

He shows me around his house, which is actually pretty big. First he shows me around outside where he has a basketball court and a garden that his mom fixes. Then he shows me the living room with all the pictures of his family.

"Who's this?" I ask as I point to a baby picture.

"Oh that's me and my brother Leo," he says.

"You were so cute!" I say.

"Not anymore though," he says.

"No way!" I exclaim.

What did I just say? I just realize what I said and walk away quickly before he notices. He's probably still processing that, so I need to think of something to avert his attention.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask casually.

"Right down the hall," he says.

I quickly walk to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I can't believe that I just did that. I basically just said I think he's cute, which he is, but I don't wanna blow my cover. I feel so awkward now, and I still have little less than an hour here. I get it together and walk out the bathroom casually. Then I walk into the kitchen and see him mom sitting by the countertop.

"Oh I finished the snacks!" She says.

Chris walks in and we start eating the snacks she prepared for us. I can't stop thinking about what I said and I keep blushing when I think about it.

"I'm going to my room, call me if you need anything," his mom says.

Then she leaves and we continue eating our food. I stand up and walk around the room.

"Do you wanna go outside?" Chris asks.

"Sure," I say.

We head outside and sit down on the patio.

"Do you play basketball?" He asks.

"I'm not the best, but I try," I reply.

We play on his basket ball court for a few minutes and it is actually really fun. I actually feel like his friend now, not just a crazy stalker. To be this close to a member of the holy family is already a miracle. I'm so happy it's unbelievable. I think this is going to be a great winter break.

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