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Chris's POV

I frantically walk around the house, fixing everyone's mess and making sure no one breaks anything. There is trash all over the floor and food everywhere. There's only one bad thing about throwing a party: you have to clean up everyone's mess. Then I realize that I haven't seen Reneè anywhere since she came. I only saw her at the start of the party then she went off somewhere with her friends. I planned to talk to her tonight. I know it sucks to be broken up with at a party, but I had to get it off my chest before something happened.

I grab a drink and look for her. She should be somewhere in this house. I look through the the living room and the kitchen and fail to find her there. Then I go outside and can't seem to find her.

"Do you need help with anything Chris?" Rick asks.

"I'm fine, just looking for Reneè," I say.

"Oh I think I saw her walking upstairs," Rick says.

"I'll go look for her," I say.

I walk upstairs and look through the bathroom and the bedroom. Then as I enter my room, I see something that makes me drop my drink. It shatters into pieces but I'm surprised I didn't get a single cut. It just fell and I knew it was going to eventually. I just didn't know when. Reneè looks at me like a kid would look at their teacher when they were caught stealing candy or a sticker or something. She lets go of Henry's hand and walks to me. The worst part of all of this is that ok not even surprised at all.

"Chris," she says slowly, "listen."

"No thanks," I say.

"Come on Chris, please," she says, "This is not what it seems."

"Oh please Reneè, you don't have to explain," I say.

"Really?" She asks.

"Get out of my room," I say.

"What?" She says.

"You heard me," I say and then look at Henry, "You too. Please just get out before I push you out of the window or something."

They both leave my room and I walk to my bed. I sit down and take a few breaths before I pick up the broken glass on the floor.


Kimberly's POV

As I'm looking for Chris, I see Reneè and Henry leave his room looking mad as hell. I run to the kitchen and throw my plastic cup away. Before I can run up the stairs, Reneè stands in my way and blocks me. I try to move to the side, but she moves too.

"I'm not in the mood to fight Reneè," I say.

"Oh really?" She says, "Cause I feel you've been wanting to get in a fight with me ever since you started hoeing around with my man."

"What are you even saying? You're drunk," I say.

As I push her aside, she grabs me and spills her drink all over my clothes.

"What the heck is your problem?" I ask.

"Stop acting like you didn't flirt with Chris and try to get with him every time you came over for that stupid project."

I scoff at her. "Oh I'm so sorry about that. I totally forgot that you don't have your life together and you could clearly care less about passing a class. And I'm sorry that I took time to take care of "your man" when you were too busy f**king around again."

She raises her hand, getting ready to slap me I assume. As a natural instinct when someone is about to slap you, I turn my face down and close my eyes. But her hand never even touches my face. I look up and see Chris. He grabbed her hand before she could slap me. For a moment, it feels like one of those scenes in a 90's movie where the guy protects his girl. Except he's not my guy and I'm not his girl.

"Get out of my house," Chris says to Reneè.

"Whatever, I don't even care anymore," Reneè says.

She walks out and slams the door behind her. The house shakes and I do too. That was a lot to take in and I take deep breaths to try to calm myself down. I see Tiffany from the corner of my eye as she runs to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I'm fine," I lie.

As I'm still in shock, Chris grabs my hand and takes me somewhere. I feel like weird things always happen when I'm in this house. We walk outside, to a place I've never even seen before. In the back of his yard, I sit down on the bench and look at him. He hands me a cup of ice cream and sits down next to me.

"I got ice cream for you," he says.

"Yeah I can see that," I laugh, "Thanks."

"No problem," he says.

I awkwardly eat the ice cream as I steal quick glances with him every now and then. To break the tension, I think of something to say.

"Hey, um, great party," I stutter.

He doesn't talk for a while then the next thing he says makes my eyes open up like a box on Christmas Day.

"I like you Kim," he says.

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