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Tiffany's POV

It's been two days since we arrived here and we have done nothing but ski, watch movies, go to the lake, and watch some more movies. We've mostly been watching horror movies, which scare the living hell out of me. I stay in bed for a few minutes before I stand up and eat breakfast. I check the clock. 12:46. As I walk out the door, I notice that everyone is just eating a little bit of cereal.

"Why so little?" I ask.

"There's no more food," my sister Julia says.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Oh Tiff," my mom says, "Can you go into town and buy some groceries?"

"Okay," I say.

I grab an apple and sit down on the couch. Then Joey walks in the room after taking a long shower.

"Joey, go with Tiffany to the town to buy some food," John says.

"Sure, there's nothing better to do here," Joey says.

I exit the room and enter my bedroom to get ready. Thank goodness I take night showers. I quickly change into warm clothes and my boots. Then I brush my teeth, put a little makeup on, and I'm out the door. I grab a drink of water on my way out then say bye to everyone before I go. When I open the door, I see Joey waiting by the side for me, listening to music again.

"Thanks for waiting!" I shout into his ear.

He gives me an annoyed expression. "I can't go to town without knowing my way around."

I roll my eyes at him and walk ahead to the ski lift. On the way, there I walk as quickly as possible to avoid him. Of all the people, it had to be him. He's so snobby and rude. We make it to the ski lift and Joey gets on after me. I'll try to make the next ten minutes less awkward. Then he takes out his phone to take pictures.

"Hey!" I say, "You're going to drop your phone!"

"Calm down, I'm just taking pictures," he says, "And I have insurance for this phone."

"Still," I say, "You should put some importance in everything, cause you don't know when you'll lose it."

I turn to the other side and pull out some candy from my bag. This ride is giving me air sickness, or maybe it's just cause I'm sick of this boy's attitude.

"Are you going to share?" Joey asks.

"Why should I?" I reply.

"Common etiquette," he says.

I laugh and eat a piece of candy in front of his face. Then he puts his hand out in front of me. For a second, he looks like a normal boy who just wants candy. Not a rude and snobby person. I'm thinking too much.

"Please," he says.

I can't help but feel bad for being rude. So I give him a piece of candy and then eat the rest. The ride comes to a stop and we hop off quickly. I walk ahead to the nearby grocery store. Then I turn around and realize that he's still behind. He even walks slow. I walk slower to match his pace, but keep a little distance. Then we make it to the store and I enter. This store reminds me of my childhood when I rode the carts and my parents pushed me around the store. I run to the carts and pull one out. Then i jump in and the cart starts rolling. Luckily, Joey holds onto the cart before I fall down the parking lot.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm riding the cart," I say, "And you're pushing me around the store."

"Seriously?" He asks.

"There was a price for that piece of candy," I say.

He pushes the cart and I sit in place. We go all over the store. First to the snack section, then to the breakfast foods. Then we go to the fruits and veggies and grab some drinks on our way. Next we go to get some drinks and milk for breakfast. Along the way, I'm basically his tour guide, telling him where to go and what aisle to turn at. It's fun. He's not annoying or irritating. I have fun and he has fun, just like when we were kids. Finally, we finish buying groceries and head to the village.

"Do you want to get ice cream?" I ask.

"It's too cold for ice cream," he says, "let's get coffee."

"Coffee doesn't taste good though," I say.

"Whatever, let's just get ice cream," he replies.

I take him to the best ice cream place around town. They serve the ice cream with gum balls in them. I order a cotton candy flavor for both of us and then get a brownie for myself.

"How could you like this?" He asks, "It's so hard to eat this without the gum getting in the way."

"It's good," I say in a serious tone.

We continue to go around the town and look around the gift shop with really weird stuff. Then Joey suddenly enters a shop with Christmas decorations and vintage items. The things were ranging from weird hats to old photographs to stuffed animals.

"You like this stuff?" I ask.

"It's unique," he says, "People look at it and see something weird that's useless, but I see something that is different and interesting. I get tired of the generic things sometimes."

"That's really cool," I say under my breath.

"What?" He asks.

I cough out of shock and grab a pair of sunglasses with a rocket ship design.

"This! It's so cool!" I say.

We continue walking around the shop. I continue walking around as he stops and looks at the things. I seem to have completely lost track of everything. This guy seems so different on the outside. He's not at all what I thought he was. Then a grumble comes from my stomach and I feel like throwing up. Was it the ice cream? Maybe it really was too cold for ice cream. I run to the restroom and throw up a little. Then I wash up and go back to the store. I bet Joey is going to tell me, 'I told you so'. I laugh at the thought then look for him around the store. I circle the store two times, but can't seem to find him. I take out my phone and then realize that I don't even have his number. I'm lost.

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