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Kimberly's POV

When the bell rings, it's time for office hours. After a while of deciding where to go, I choose to go to the library. All my friends have to go to their teachers for help, and I'm left alone. I make my way to the library in the lower level of the school. In the library, I sit on a table to the side and take out my laptop. I open it up and start listening to my Spotify playlist. While I do that, I finish up some Trig homework. I feel awfully lonely without my friends. I'm so used to staying with them during office hours.

Then Chris walks in my direction and sits down in the chair across from me. I awkwardly look at him for a few seconds, then take my earphones out.

"Hey Kimberly, can we meet again this weekend to finish up?" he asks.

"Sure," I say with a smile.

"Hey I'm sorry we didn't get any work done last week and you wasted your time," he says.

"Don't be sorry, you were sick, you couldn't help it," I say.

"Yeah thanks for staying... and taking care of me," he says.

"Don't worry about it," I say.

I put my earphone back in and continue doing my Trig homework. Chris awkwardly sits there and scratches his head.

"What are you listening to?" He asks.

"My Spotify playlist," I say.

He grabs the other earphone and puts it in his ear.

"I love this song," he says.

"Really? No one really knows this song," I say.

I rest my head on my palm and look out the window. I start getting giddy as I think of Chris. It's so nice of him to stay here. I continue doing my trig homework and then check the clock when I finish. It's been almost an hour since office hours started. I look at Chris and notice that he is starting to fall asleep on the table. I laugh at him for falling asleep during this time. Then I place a book over his head so the teachers don't notice him. I walk outside to get a drink from the vending machine, then grab two instead of one. I put my stuff away and pack my bag. Then I leave a note on the drink saying "maybe coffee will wake you up :)". I tap on Chris's shoulder and wake him up. He sits up, startled.

"The bells about to ring," I say, "I'm going to go to the lunch line."

"Oh ok," he says.

As I'm leaving, he shouts me name.

"Thanks for the coffee!" he says.

I wave my hand in the air and exit the library. As I'm walking out the library, I see Rolf and Joey talking. Knowing how Rolf and my group don't exactly get along, I stand behind the building and wait for them to leave. Then I hear them talking about something.

"That dumb b**ch thinks she's better than everyone," Rolf says.

"How would you know that?" Joey asks, "You don't even know her."

"I have trig with her and she thinks she's so smart," Rolf says, "She called me stupid!"

"I'm sure she didn't say that," Joey says.

"Why are you defending her?" Rolf says.

"I'm not, I'm just.. reasoning with you,"Joey says.

"Whatever, she always embarrasses me in class and I swear if she does anything else to try and mess with me," Rolf says.

"Now you're just exaggerating. Just leave her be."

"What's up with you? What is she to you?"

"Nothing. She's just another person. She's not important, so don't mind her," Joey says.

Then they leave and I walk out of the building. Could they possibly be talking about Tiffany? She does have trig with Rolf and doesn't really get along with him that well. No, that's impossible cause Joey definitely knows her. She told me everything that happened during her break and she wouldn't make something up like that. She's not that crazy. I walk to the lunch line and look for her. She is standing with Meg in the middle of the line. I run to them and stand next to them in line.

"What's up?" Meg asks.

"Tiffany, all you said about your vacation was true right?" I ask.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I swear on both of my eyes it is true," Tiffany says.

"I have to tell you something, but you can't be sad," I say.

I tell her the story and try to say it as chill as possible.

"I swear, Rolf is gonna get it!" Meg says.

"Tiffany," I say, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm not surprised anymore," she says, "Whatever happened doesn't matter. It was in the past. It's not important."

"But still.." I say, "What they said was pretty rude."

"I stopped caring a long time ago," Tiffany says.

From the corner of my eye, I see Reneè talking to Rolf in the corner. She looks mad, then leaves suddenly with something in her hand. The lunch lady calls my attention and I ignore what I just saw. I order my food and eat it quietly during lunch. After lunch, I have english where we learn about how Romeo and Juliet were really a joke and none of the story should be taken seriously. Sometimes my teacher scares me. Then the door opens and the drug dogs come in.

"Everyone, please leave the room," our principal says.

We exit the room and I wait outside with Bella. Reneè looks at me with a dirty look, then scoffs. I wonder what's up with her. Being extra rude today. Then the teacher calls us into the classroom.

"This is unfortunate, but the drug dog is sniffing something up," she says, "Can you all check to see if it's yours?"

I look at the drug dog and realize that it's sniffing my backpack! My mouth opens in surprise and everyone in the room looks at me. The guy with the drug dog takes out a zip-lock bag from my backpack and holds it up. It is filled with white powder that can't be anything but cocaine.

"Whose backpack is this?" The man asks.

"It's mine," I say.

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