Chapter 1: A Good Place to Begin

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Subject: Lia Coleman

Time: 12:34pm

Location: Homeless Shelter

I walked up to the steps to the homeless shelter. I had been here so many times, I was hardly angry anymore. My sisters can cause so much trouble, I can practically beat them here.

I swung open the old rusted doors and quietly walked in. I leaned against the crusted wall and glared at my little sisters.

"What did you do now?" I grumbled.

Peyton rolled her eyes, as she always does. It was her way of saying, "well, what do you think?"

I snorted and smirked. Kara tensed up, scared to see the wrath of Lia.

"ID, please."

I swiftly pulled out my driver's license and showed it to the Shelter attendant. A smile grazed her toothless face. "Ah, Lia" she said. "Here they are." She pushed Peyton forward, and grabbed Kara and Gracie's arm. The attendant, whose name I never got to know, was never a really a nice person. I smiled with all the pure joy I could muster, (who wouldn't be excited to see their troublesome little sisters blissfully taken care of instead of in a detention center?) and dragged Peyton and Kara out, with Gracie sulking behind.

As soon as we were out of the building and down the rugged old steps, I hailed a taxi. When we hopped in, I began the confrontation.

"What's up with you three?" I scolded, yanking my seatbelt over my lap. "This is the third time this week! You're going to get us in a lot of trouble!"

Peyton, being the sassiest one in the family simply remarked, "Well, look whose talking. WHERE exactly did you get the money to hail a taxi from?"

I went silent for a moment. "Justin."

Peyton scowled because the point she was trying to prove was immediately shot down. Her assumptions of me being a filthy rat and stealing money for crying out loud were quite absurd.

However, my reply was nonetheless as mind-blowing as Peyton was hoping for. My sisters all laughed. I blushed. It wasn't my fault that the dictator's son, Justin, was in love with me.

"So, you accepted his romantic gesture?" Gracie giggled.

I eyed her because she was only five and had no idea what a romantic gesture was. "No, I just....took him up on his offer. I'm not going to say no to a whole fifty dollars, am I?"

"FIFTY DOLLARS?!" Cried Gracie. "This guy is rich!"

"Well, duh, he's the dictator's son." Snorted Peyton. Gracie stuck out her tongue.

"But....I thought you hated him!" Kara exclaimed.

"Yes, yes I do. Everyone hates him! He's a total ugly jerk. The only thing he's remotely good at is baseball."

"Then why did you accept the money-"

"Enough!" I cried, mad. I narrowed my green eyes at my sisters who all looked back, frightened. "If you want me to give it back, then I will! Gosh, I thought you would LOVE to go food shopping tomorrow."

The girls finally shut up.

"Alright, ma'am, where 'ya headed?" Asked the old taxi driver.

"The Floral Artments." I responded "You take a left on..."

"I know, I know." Said the old guy. He clicked on his turn signal. "You know, I was 'yer mother's driver."

Kara's eyes widened. "You were?" She piped, contrary to her normal personality.

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