Chapter 16 Unknown Essence

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Subject: Lia Coleman

Location: Restricted by government

Time: 6:57 pm

Date: December 3rd, 2514


I woke up in a small room. I was tied to a chair. It literally looked like something out of a horror movie.

I turned my head and saw a tall, wide-set, black man preparing some sort of...liquid?

"What the heck is going on here?!" I cried. The guy turned around and looked at me, startled.

"Hello?!" I cried. "Where am I?!"

The guy ran out of the room, and locked the door behind him.

I was so confused. Looking around, I saw loads of flasks on tables, and even a lab coat. I tried wiggling my way out of the chair but couldn't. Feeling a slight pain in my arm, I looked down and saw a band-aid on my arm that wasn't there previously.

Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked Mr. I'm-Obsessed-Over-An-18-Year-Old-Girl with a smirk on his face.

"Stevens." I murdered. "I should've known."

"Oh Lia? Why are you so judgemental?" he asked, smiling.

"It's taking a whole lot not to scream this second, just so you know."

"Go ahead," said Dictator Stevens. "It's not like anyone's going to save you."

"Jordan will." I said, angrily. "He's part of your army, but he hates it, don't you know?"

"What do you mean? He can't hate things."

"Oh yes he does!" I cried. "He told me, he hated working for you jerks."

"Oh really?" Asked Stevens, scratching his head. "Did he say anything else?"

"...No..." I said.

"You're lying."

"How come you're so judgemental?" I asked, mocking him.

"Silence!" Stevens cried, slamming his fist down hard on the table, which made the flasks shake.

"What's in there?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I will only tell you if you tell me what else Jordan said." demanded Stevens.

"He told me that..." I couldn't tell him about Charlie or else he'd flip. "...that he's liked me since second grade, and doesn't want to see me like this or else he'll... he'll revolt!"

Ricky's face changed from an angry sneer to a confused, shocked look. "He told you this?"

"Mhm!" I cried. "So don't mess with him! I'd rather marry Jordan than your jerk-of-a-son!"

"Is that so?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Definitely!" I responded.

Still looking confused, Ricky whipped out his palm device and called someone. "Yes, we need Jordan." He said. "He needs to be reprogrammed, or possibly even rebooted, and we must get to him fast, he's going to override himself."

Now it was my turn to give him a confused look. "Reprogrammed? Rebooted? Override?"

"Yes Lia." said Stevens, putting down his palm device. "Thank you for ruining the future of science."


"Jordan was the future of science, and you ruined him." He said, sounding a bit depressed. "Thanks a lot."

"What does that mean?" I inquired.

Ricky sighed, and glared at me. "Jordan is a robot, Lia! He's not human at all! He shouldn't have any serious emotions, because if he does, he'll override himself, or in the end, blow himself to bits!"

I was speechless. Jordan was a robot? There was no way that was possible.

"No. He's not a robot." I said. "He doesn't act like one at all."

"He's supposed to be a human robot, so that was the whole point."

I couldn't believe it. It made me kind of sad to hear this because I was kind of...starting to like him a little. Of course, no one was better than my old boyfriend that had been kicked out of the country, but Jordan was always so sweet and nice to me. I would not believe that this was true until I saw with my own eyes that he was a robot.

Pushing those harsh thoughts to the back of my head, I looked up at Ricky and glared. "Now tell me why I'm here." I demanded.

Ricky paced around my chair. The corner of his lips turned upward into an evil smile again. "You, Lia, possess a special strand of DNA."

"Why are you checking my DNA?" I asked, as if it was the dumbest thing to do.

"Just for genetic reasons." He said, shrugging. "No harm is going to be done."

"Yeah, right." I said, glaring at him. "You're a terrible liar, I hope you know that."

"Anyways." continued Stevens. "We have discovered that you have a mutation. This mutation is caused by the iron levels in the body, as long as a new element, that we've named 'moride'. This chemical was first present in human bodies in the late 2000s, but only 0.5% of the world's population ever had it. It's become less and less common because they didn't have the iron levels you have. You have a lot of iron in you, but don't suffer from any disease or disorder because this moride-iron chemical makes you immune to every disease out there."

I gave him a look as if he was crazy. "But I've gotten sick before so how do you answer that?"

"Sick over germs, or sick over stress?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Well, I live a stressful life. I thought.

"Have you ever gotten prescribed medicine before?"

"No." I said.

"That's what I thought. You and your father are the only two people in this part of the world to have that mutation. Lia, everyone wants you.

This was scaring me so much. "So everyone knew about this except me?"

"By everyone, I only mean country leaders. Like the King of South America, or the dictator of North America, which is post-Canada in case you didn't know. Middle America, us, is the only place where we can work with genetic mutations."

"What do you mean by 'work with'?"

"You'll find out soon." said Ricky, walking out of the room.

"No! Tell me!" I cried. "You can't just do stuff to my body without my permission!"

"Unless you are under the guardianship of an adult."

"I am an adult."

"That's 21 years or older."

"Who would that be?" I asked, sneering.

Ricky smiled and began to shut the door. "Me." He said. "I own you."

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