Chapter 6 Family Feud

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"Get outta my room!" Screamed the voice of a little girl. I walked into our apartment, carrying the poor child, and here I was now, listening to the wonderful voices of my sisters torturing the each other.

"Make me." screamed Kara.

"Haha! I've got her pinned square in the closet!" cried Peyton. "Kara, grab our snow globe and let's go!"

I heard footsteps of probably Kara running into Gracie' s room and grabbing the...snow globe. Then Gracie let out a piercing scream.

"Guys! Guys!" I cried, poking my head into her room. Peyton's arms were on the sides of Gracie' s closet door, somehow keeping Gracie stuck in there. "What is going on here?!"

Peyton glared at me but dropped her arms, revealing tiny Gracie with a puffy red face in a fetal position on the floor, screaming.

"Gracie, stop." I said, flatly. Charlie started to stir in my arms.

"Peyton, I've got the-"

I turned around and glared at Kara.

Kara put her hands behind her back and blushed.

"Now, girls." I began. "Is it ever okay to torture each other?"

"We weren't torturing her, she was just being a-"

"Peyton, shut up." I said. The good thing about being the care giver and the oldest sister was that I could say anything I wanted to them.

"She started it!" Mocked Gracie, pointing to Peyton.

Peyton stuck out her tongue.

"Peyton, just go watch TV or something, I'm going to deal with you later." I said sternly.

Peyton sighed, then left the room.

"Now," I began, kneeling down with Charlie still in my arms. "Gracie, how would you feel if I told you, you weren't going to be the youngest sibling anymore?"

Gracie looked up at me with her large dark eyes. "Really?"

I extended my arms to show the toddler.

"Whaaat?" Asked Kara, dropping the snow globe and coming over. "Who's this?"

"This is our new brother, he is an orphan."

"Great!" came the distant voice of Peyton. "Now we're gonna have another mouth to feed!"

I rolled my eyes. "Peyton is an idiot." I whispered to both the girls, making them giggle.

"What's his name?" Asked Gracie.


"Hello, Charlie!" she said. "How old are you?"

"I don't know how old he is." I contemplated. "He acts like a toddler, but is the size of a small ten year old."

"No kidding." commented Kara. "Is he autistic or something?"

"Hmm, I'm gonna have to figure that out, maybe I'll ask Jordan..."

Kara and Gracie exchanged smirks.

"You liiiiiiike him, you really liiiiiiiiike him!" sang Gracie at the top of her lungs.

"Yeah don't deny it, Lia." said Kara, standing up.

"I can deny whatever I want." I said, placing Charlie on the floor and standing up myself. "You two, watch him while I talk to Peyton."

As I left the room, I smirked as I heard Gracie and Kara getting all excited over the fact that I might actually like someone. Little sisters, what would go on without them?

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