Chapter 25 Goodbye to the Last Coleman Sister

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Jordan, Kara, and I had made it out to the woods by midnight. It was snowing, and was probably only about four degrees. We stopped to take a break underneath a long willow tree with a bench underneath it. I sat on the bench, and held Kara in my arms. 

Jordan wandered around the area, leaving me to have some space with Kara, alone. 

She finally opened her eyes about a few seconds after I sat down.

"Hi, Kara." I whispered. "How are you?"

She moved a little in my arms. I was trying to help myself from crying because if I cried, then Kara would freak out, and the last thing I wanted for her was to die in the middle of a freakout. 

The wind slightly blew, creating a terrible windchill.

"Whats...going...on?" She murmered. 

I stroked her head. "Nothing, sweetie. We're just in the woods."

"Where's Peyton and Gracie?"

"Um..." I didn't want to bring up the fact that they were dead. "They uh...went to go build a snowman."

"It's pitch black out!"

"I know, that's why I let them do it."

"Can I go too?"

I shook my head. "You're staying with me until they get back."

"When will they get back?"

"...anytime now..."

Kara sighed. "Lia, can you scratch my cheek?" 


"I uh, can't move my arms."

Kara was paralyzed?  "Oh, sure." I said. I scratched her cheek.

"Thanks." She said. "So when am I going to wake up from this dream?"


"I'm not dreaming?"

That would explain how chill she was at the moment.


Kara tried moving her head. "For real?! I'm paralyzed?!"

I dind't respond. Jordan came back and sat down next to me on the bench. "What's going on?" he asked. 

"Kara's paralyzed."


"Kara, calm down." I excalimed. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, CALM DOWN?!" She began to cry. "Don't you see? I can't move! And OW-" She squinted her eyes shut. "Lia, my head hurts!"

"I'm sure it does." I agreed. 

"Lia, please, I'm begging you, please take me to see a doctor."

I looked up at Jordan and he shook his head. 

"Kara, I want to take you back to the city, but it's not safe."

"Lia, please." tears formed in her eyes. "I don't want to die! I'm not ready!"

I closed my eyes, trying not to cry myself. I had to stay calm for Kara.

Jordan wrapped his arm around my back and squeezed me. 

"Lia." Kara cried, her voice getting softer and softer. 

"Kara, close your eyes." Said Jordan. 

Kara closed her eyes, and Jordan planted a kiss on her. Kara opened her eyes again and smiled. I stroked her forehead. 

"Kara, listen to me. When you close your eyes, you're not going to open them, okay? I want you to take a nap. Then, when you wake up, guess what?"

"What?" Kara whispered. 

"You're going to see mom and dad again!"

"Are you serious?" She asked. 

I nodded. "And Gracie, and Peyton."

"What about you?" She asked. 

I shook my head. My heart seriously hurt right now. I didn't even know it was an actual thing until now. "I'm still going to be here, but you get to see them again. Tell them I say hi, and that I love them."

"Alright." Kara said. She closed her eyes for the final time.

"Mom and dad are waiting for you." I said. "I bet they're super excited to see you."

"Mhm." Kara grunted. I bit my lip, not wanting to explode into tears as my little sister was dying right in my arms.

"And I'll see you soon." I said, kissing her forehead one last time. "It might take some time, but I'll eventualy see you again."

Kara smiled with her eyes still shut. "See ya, then" She said.

I was on the verge of exploding for real.

"See ya."

She was silent for a couple second, and just when I thought she was gone, she spoke again.

"And Lia?"

I windended my eyes. "Yes?"

"Thank you for being the best big sister ever."

I smiled. "You're welcome."

Kara smiled back, and I watched as her stomach rose and dropped one last time, then stopped.

Jordan and I were silent for a couple seconds. We exchnaged suprised glances. 

"Kara?" I asked. 

No response.

It was then, that I burst out into tears. 

Jordan held me tightly. "Hey, you're okay. You're going to get through this." 

"I...can't." I said. "I've literally lost everyone that I've loved in my life." 

Jordan kissed my cheek again. "It's alright, I'll still be here for you."

I placed Kara on the cold ground, and watched her as I fell asleep in Jordan's arms.

I looked up at the sky for the last time that night.

Goodbye, Kara, I love you.

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