Chapter 20 Another Flashback Part 3

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Subject: Lia Coleman

 Location: DC High School

Date: February 14th, 2512

Time: 11:55 am


Today was another day. Another bland, boring day, that I honestly could careless about. However, according to the world, today was a special day in particular. 

It was Valentine’s Day. 

Oh, how my ears rung of the joys of not having anybody love me. I’m sure my sisters still hated me for some weird reason. I had no parents, no boyfriend, and certainly no significant family members that I was on the cool side with. 

However, Justin decided to surprise me today. Oh, how I hate that little brat! 

He was walking down the hallway that I had my locker in. This was a sophomore predominant hall; so many eighth graders didn’t come down here. 

As per usual, 50 girls were swarming him. 

“Ladies, ladies,” came his high-pitched voice. “I’ve gotta get to my Love!”

My friend Claire who was standing next to me as I was getting a few books out of my locker literally started to laugh. 

“Here comes little Romeo!” She squeaked.

I sighed. “Again?”

“Hello, my Dear!” Justin cried as he presented himself in front of me, holding a small red teddy bear and a balloon. 

“What do you want?” I asked, genuinely unamused. 

Claire laughed really hard. 

I kneed her in the thigh and she stopped. 

“I said, what do you want, Justin?” 

“Here, I wanted to give this to you.” He handed me the stupid bear and balloon. Of course all of his fifty girls around him, some older than him, and me, tried to grab the objects from my hand. 

I let them take it. 

“Ahahaha, I knew that you’d give them away,” Justin sneered, pulling me away. 

Ew, ew, ew this was gross! 

“Justin, leave me alone.” I growled. 

“Lia, dear, calm down!”

“Don’t you tell me to ‘calm down’ you idiot!” I cried, pushing him away and making my way down the hall as fast as I could while walking.

“Hey! Lia!” Came a deeper voice. I turned around and noticed my fellow classmate, Jordan, maneuvering around some shorter students. 

I decided to stop. Jordan caught up to me. 

“Hey.” I said. I didn’t really talk to him that much, even though we’ve had classes together since like, second grade. Encounters like this were rare. 

The hallway cleared, and he and I stood about a foot apart from each other. 

Jordan scratched the back of his head, and bit his lip. 

I raised an eyebrow. 

“I uh…”


“Well I…” 



“Just say it!” I chirped, frankly, annoyed.

 Jordan gave me a startled look, then answered with, “I wanted to know if you wanted to eat with me during lunch?” 

“You mean, like, now?” 

He nodded, with a scared looked on his face. 

I was puzzled. Why was he asking me this?

“Um, sure.” I said, wondering where this was going. We began to walk down the hall together 

“Hey, um, I just wanted to say-“

I looked up at him. Yeesh, for a sixteen year old boy he was really tall. 

“Um, I uh wanted to say, sorry, you know, about your parents and all.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed. “It’s cool, you don’t have to give me any sympathy, it’s fine.”

“I’m not doing it because I should, I’m doing it because I don’t want you to think as if no one actually cares.” 

Wow, this was really sweet. Thomas would’ve worded this the exact same way. I felt myself soften up a bit. I guess this world wasn’t as a cold as I thought. 

“Thanks.” I said, looking up at him and smiling. We both walked into the library. Jordan pulled out a chair from a table, and I sat down.

 “Hey, so do you understand the AP Chemistry homework?” I asked as I pulled out my chemistry notebook.

“What?” Jordan gave me a half-baffled look until he realized my question. “Oh! Why yes, I do. I actually asked you to lunch to help you with your homework, because Claire told me you were having a hard time.”

 Claire.  I thought. She always had my best interest at heart. It was very saddening that she was going to be moving at the end of the school year.

 “What did you get on the last test?” I inquired.

 “110 percent.” Jordan smirked.

 I widened my eyes. “I only got an eighty-five, with the ten points of extra credit!”

 Jordan had a happy look on his face. “Well, for the time being, I am at your service.” He smiled wide, and I noticed his dimples.

 I giggled. “Thanks.” My Valentine’s Day was turning out to be a little bit better.

 Perhaps I should have more faith in this world now.


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