Chapter 17 Lia is MIA...

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Subject: Jordan

Location: Restricted by government

Time: 7:00 pm

Date: December 3rd, 2514

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I was at the Coleman residence at 7 pm sharp. I wanted to give the impression that I was always punctual.

Even though I rarely was.

I knocked on their door at 6:59. There were ten seconds until seven. I calculated each move so that everything would be right at seven.

"Gracie! Shut up!" I heard a voice cry; probably Peyton's. She opened the door a moment later.

"Oh, it's you." she said. I walked inside, and stood by the door.

"Where's Lia?"

"I was hoping you'd know, actually." she said, shutting the door. "We haven't seen her in days."

"But I thought you said that was normal of her?" I asked.

"It is, but she promised Kara she'd come to see the play opening night."

"Where's Charlie?"

"Don't know either."

"Lia's gone MIA!" screamed Gracie, running through thr house. "She must be dead!"

"No, stop it, Gracie!" Peyton cried, rubbing her forehead. She turned to me. "See this is why we nee Lia because she takes care of us! I can't control anyone!"

Suddenly, we both heard a shriek.

"Peyyyyyton!" yelled Kara. "The curler burnt off part of my hair! Help!"

Peyton sighed and ran into the bathroom, leaving me to sit on the couch with Gracie running all over the place, freaking out. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, so I cried her name.

Gracie froze where she ws at, and looked at me with her big round, blue eyes.

"Gracie, why don't you sit down." I said.

"Okeydokey." she answered, skipping over to the couch. She catapulted onto it, and just layed there on her face.

"How old are you?" I asked, curious.

"This many!" She cried, holding up five fingers.

"You're five?"

"F-w-ive." She asnwered.



Kara and Peyton came out of the bathroom a moment later. "I can't belive it!" sobbed Kara. "My hair was literally burned off!"

Peyton facepalmed her forhead. "Well, what did you think would happen after you turned on the iron to 50?! Who even does that?!"

Kara would not stop sobbing. I looked at the side of her hair, where there was a small handful of blonde baby hairs. Kara was holding the other half of the hairs in her hand.

"Peyton!" Whined Gracie, getting up and running over to her. "Where's Lia?"


Gracie started crying too.

Peyton looked like whe was about to break down too. Finally, I stood up. "Guys!" I shouted. All three girls looked up at me in silence. "You three need to calm down. I am sure that wherever Lia is, she is fine. She's an adult now, so she knows how to take care of herself. You three, however, need to learn exactly how to do that."

They eached exchanged weird glaces between each other.

"Now, when you're in The Rounds Patrol, you are required to have a certain level of obedience, which none of you seem to have."

"Well, it doesn't matter because we're not going to be in The Rounds, Jordan." sassed Peyton.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I asked Peyton. I couldn't describe what was going on with me. I felt something inside that made me want to lash out at them, but I knew I couldn't. That stupid pulse came back again in my head.

Anyways, Peyton widened her eyes, but then shut up.

"You three are going to learn how to act like grown ups." I said, "because one day, you're all going to have to learn how to take care of yourselves, and trust me, it might be real soon."

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