Chapter 15 A Slip Up

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Subject: Jordan

Location: West DC Middle School

Time: 16:00 pm

Reasoning: To find the Coleman sisters

Government Monitoring: ON

Code: Red 5&8@"/&:+29&=$810/$=:$)-:00

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In all honestly, I wasn't really concerned about the government watching me because they occasionally monitored my environment, just as a safety precaution. I wasn't doing anything that could potentially cause harm, so I wasn't worried about anything. The government wouldn't chew me out for being with the Coleman sisters! There would be no good reason why, they probably weren't significant to Ricky Stevens anyway.

Or so I thought.

Anyways, I was at DC Middle again to pick up Kara and Peyton. I didn't see Lia at school today so I just assumed she was just sick. I wanted to visit her to see if she was okay.

"Hey, Peyton." I said a I walked up to the tall blonde girl. She was standing near the auditorium doors, waiting for Kara to finish play practice.

"Oh, hi Jordan." she said, not looking up. "What's up?"

"Want another ride home?" I asked, cautiously.

"Sure." she said. "You want another shot with Lia?"


"It's obvious you like her, dude, I can see it in your face when you talk to her."

I never really understood what "liking" someone meant. I mean, I heard it amongst my friends who "liked" girls, but I never felt that way about a girl before. It was impossible for me to "like" someone.

"Oh, no, I just really enjoy her company." I said with a smile. If this was liking someone, I would have already overridden myself. So obviously I didn't "like" Lia, but I always wanted to be around her, I never really understood why.

"Sure." said Peyton. "So how old are you?"


"Are you sure?"

"Why would I be unsure?"

"Because you said eighteen as if it was a question."

"Well it's not."

"I see."

We both stood there awkwardly until she spoke again. "So are you ever going to ask her out?"

"I hope so, I do like hanging out with her."

"See!" cried Peyton, putting down her palm device and looking up at me, "You like Lia!"

I shook my head. "Peyton, it's impossible for me to actually like someone-" I stopped mid-sentence after realizing what I was saying.

Peyton laughed. "So you're what, a robot or something?"

I nervously laughed back. "Wow, totally." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"You're just denying it." she said. "You do like Lia."

Whatever the case was, I was glad I caught myself before I spilled my guts. Suddenly, I felt a pulse in my head.

"Red alert, red alert." it coded. I rubbed my forehead, wanting the pulse to go away. It didn't hurt, because nothing ever hurt me, but it was just uber-annoying. I had no idea what it meant by red alert.

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