Chapter 3

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Thomas's POV

Oliver ran straight through to the art supply store while Henry veered off in the direction of the music store. As Ollie and I walked into the store, the cashier waved at Oliver; Henry and I joked that Oliver singlehandedly kept this store in business since he was literally here once a week to get new art supplies. Oliver walked up to the cashier and pulled out his phone "Do you guys have charcoal?" he typed into his phone before showing his phone to the cashier. The cashier nodded and held up nine fingers.

Oliver slightly bowed his head in thanks as he walked toward aisle nine; finding the different boxes of charcoal he sat in the middle of the aisle with his phone and started researching the different types with the same intensity as someone who was trying to cure a sickness. Oliver loved art which was fine, it was his thing; but the extent of my art knowledge and tastes were "Ohh, art is pretty".

I remember when we were little our parents took us to an art museum and it was a disaster. Oliver needed to explain everything to me but Henry and my parents needed to explained the explanation; Oliver gave up after the fourth painting and just allowed me to enjoy the pretty pictures.

I was on my phone catching up on all the scores and highlights of my favorite sport teams when I looked up see a guy looking at the colored pencils. He was a cute nerdy guy with his black hair falling over his glasses; putting away my phone I walked over and studied him, planning out my attack.

You could tell a lot about a person by their clothes; if someone wore a lot of brand names vs off brand vs generic, the kind of shoes they wore and how they kept themselves. This guy was a nerdy guy, quiet, so I needed to bring him out of his shell; formulating a plan I walked up to him and slipped into my English accent "Hey mate, doing a bit a shopping?" The guy's reaction was exactly what I wanted: caught off guard, blushing, but with a small smile; if only Henry understood the power of our accents.

"Uh...yeah...just getting some more pencils" the guy stuttered. "Making some art for a girlfriend?" I asked, trying to kill two birds with one stone. "Uh, no my boyfriend broke up with me a while ago, a week after my twenty second birthday" the guy said to the pencils. I nodded, and pretended to be interested in some colored pencils as well; I popped out my butt, just a little bit, a small enough movement that it wouldn't be noticeable unless he was really paying attention to me.

When his eyes darted down I knew I already won. "So what kind of art do you do?" I asked as I inched closer to him, watching him carefully while not watching at all; if anything about this guy said no I would immediately back off. I may have been a nympho but I wasn't a rapist and I wouldn't force myself on anyone.

It was all green lights though with this guy and as he stammered about the kind of art he did, I placed a hand on his lower back and he involuntarily pushed into my hand. The trick with shy people is to not allowed them to say no; their first instincts are to always to say no so you got to keep them off balance. Shy people, deep down, want someone to bring them out of their shell, they just don't know how to ask for it.

The guy arched his back so my hand slid slightly down his back without me moving it at all so I slid it slowly down, waiting for him to protest to move away but he didn't. He shivered slightly as my hand touched the top of his butt. "I'm going to go to the bathroom" I whispered in his ear, close enough that I knew that he could feel my breath on his neck. As I walked away I heard footsteps follow soon after.


I walked out of the bathroom stall, leaving the guy still inside as he tried to catch his breath; I made a mental note to buy some more condoms soon. I walked back to the art store but I couldn't find Oliver anywhere. "Where my brother?" I asked the cashier. "He left here with your brother" the cashier said so I walked out of the store; they weren't inside the pet store or music store either so they probably met again with our parents.

Walking into the hardware store I saw Oliver, alone, looking at some fairy lights. He didn't notice a guy driving a forklift, carrying some timber coming towards him; the driver saw him though and started shouting at Oliver to move, but obviously he couldn't hear the worker. The worker started getting angry since he thought Oliver was just flat out ignoring him.

The worker lost his patience and stomped out of the forklift; he pushed Oliver roughly and started shouting at him. Outraged, I ran over and shoved the guy that pushed my brother "Dude, relax, he's deaf he can't hear you!" I shouted at the guy, standing between him and my brother. "What you think you can just push me? I'm going to call the cops on you" the worker said.

I scoffed "Go ahead you arsehole, tell them that you were picking on a deaf guy and his brother had to stop you; let's see who the cops arrest you knuckle dragging swamp monster! Just because you look like you haven't taken a shower since 1991 and are probably still a virgin doesn't mean you can make everyone else's lives miserable just because yours is shite!"

"Is there a problem here?" the manager or supervisor said as she walked up to us. "I don't know bro, is there?" I asked the worker. "We were just leaving, sorry about that" Dad said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and used it to force me to walk out of the store.

"Thomas..." Dad said sighing. "Dad you weren't there, you don't understand" I said. "Thomas you're grounded until school starts, no going out or anything except to go to work". Dad said, ignoring what I said as the rest of our family walked out of the store. "Ok Dad" I sighed, trying to fight with Dad was never worth it.

"Sorry you got in trouble" Oliver signed as we walked back to the car. "Pssh, don't even apologize; you're my brother and we all have to look out for each other" I sighed as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. I pulled Henry in with my other arm and faced Oliver when I spoke so he can read my lips "We have to look out for each other, we're all each other has".

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