CH 20

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Henry's POV

"Surprise!" everyone shouted as my brothers and I walked into the house. "I'm so surprised" Tommy said. "See I told you!" Dad proudly said to Pops who just said "Lets eat some dinner and then cake and then-" "Presents!" Tommy said loudly, running over to the small pile of brightly wrapped boxes and objects.

The boxes were all different colors, a trick that our parents learned early on to make sure the presents were given to the correct child. Tommy's gifts were usually wrapped in some sort of reddish paper, Oliver's in blue paper and mine in green.

"Eat first" Pops said sternly, shepherding all of us to the dining table where the food was already waiting. We always ate one specific dish on our birthdays and it was the only time we ate that dish, on our birthdays Pops would always make: chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham, with a side of homemade mashed potatoes. The only other time he made that dish was for our parents anniversary. Pops wasn't a cook, Dad made all of our meals, but that one was always perfect. "Why is there an extra plate?" Tom asked as walked to the dining room.

As we all sat down I turned to get the door as there was a knock and Zander was standing there, holding a small pile of boxes. "Hi Henry" he spoke. "Who is it?" Dad asked from the table. "It's Zander" I said over my shoulder. "Invite him in, we thought he'd come so we made him a plate also" Dad said. I stepped to the side and nodded my head so Zander stepped inside. "Hi" he spoke and gave a slight nod to everyone. "Is that the boy Oliver is banging? Oliver has great taste in men-" Connor said. "Not appropriate" Uncle Liam quietly hissed.

"Hi H.O.T. triplets, I made cornbread for the party, an old Shoshone recipe, it uses maize and everything...well it's the recipe from my don't know how old it actually is" Zander joked since everyone was staring at him as he handed Dad a baking dish covered with foil. "Join us for dinner" Pops signed and spoke at the same time, gesturing to the empty seat on my brother's side of the table next to Oliver. Zander looked at Oliver, no doubt Ollie told him that he couldn't stay earlier but I just went behind Zander and all but pushed him toward the empty seat. Tommy would have to suck it up.

"So you're deaf right? Like Oliver? Then how can you talk? Do you not do the finger-flicking thing?" Connor asked. Zander looked at him for a moment without comprehension before he looked at me, looking for help. I translated with one hand and Zander turned back to Connor and said "I can't read lips like Oliver can but yes I do use Sign Language...I don't speak a lot but my hands were full so that's why I spoke...yes I am deaf, well hard of hearing."

"Oliver can I talk to you?" Tom asked with his hand under the table. "Dad we'll get a drink for Zander" I said as my brothers and I stood up "...Does he really need all three of you? What are you going to wrestle a bear for some soda?" Pops asked. "Yes" was all Tom said before going into the kitchen.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Tom signed. "It's Oliver's birthday, he just came to drop off Oliver's gift" I explained trying to diffuse the situation "It's not his fault that Dad invited him in." "Fine but I want him out as soon as possible. He isn't family. He doesn't belong here" Tom signed. "Tom maybe Oliver wants to spend time with his boyfriend on his birthday" I said. "Well he can wait until tomorrow. Birthdays are for family" Tom said before grabbing a can of soda, we watched him go into the dining room and placed the spoda in front of Zander. "I'm going to laugh so hard if you and Zander end up getting married" I signed to Oliver.


Oliver's POV

All I wanted was for everyone to get along, I was tired of Tom's attitude and hostility and if he doesn't grow up then I'll force him too. Everyone sat around my brothers and I since it was time to open gifts, I sat between Zander's legs as he sat on the couch and I was on the carpet in front of him as we ate cake, cornbread and ice cream.

"Here, its from...?" Dad said, looking at the box he paused though and signed to Zander "You got a gift for Henry?" Zander nodded and Henry smiled before taking the small box. He opened it and gasped, since was a plastic blue and green swirl guitar pick on a silver chain so it could be worn like a necklace with HT on the front for Henry's initials. "Thank you so much!" he said excitedly. I looked up and smiled at Zander, now understanding why he was so interested in my brothers a couple of weeks ago. He looked down and smiled back, raising an eyebrow when I puckered my lips. Zander shot a glance at my parents before giving me a quick peck.

"Hey, let's make some room for Jesus between you two" Tom said. "Tom relax, here, Zander got a gift for you too" Pops said, handing Tom a bigger box. Tom opened it and he absolutely loved it, but because Zander gave it to him, he acted like he did care.

His gift was a soccer jersey of the Doncaster Rovers, Pops and Tom's favorite soccer team, the number however was the date of our birthday and the name on the back read "Tomlinson" you could see the stitches where Zander sewed the name on himself. "Thanks" was all Tom said; if anyone else would have given him that gift he would have been completely over the moon. I looked up at Zander as he signed "You don't like it?" clearly hurt. "It's ok" Tom replied. That's it.

I waited until Tom went to the bathroom, as he came out I shoved him into our bedroom "What the hell is your problem?" I signed angrily. "What are you talking about?" Tom replied. "If anyone else would have given you that gift you should have been crying you'd be so happy but because Zander gave you the gift you don't like it?" Tom shrugged and I shoved him hard against his chest so that he fell over, but he fell on his bed. "Tom I'm so sick of your attitude I swear to god I'm this close to actually punching you-" "Why? Because I don't want him here because he isn't family? It's always been that way Oliver, and just because -"

I lunged at my brother, frustrated and angry. Not three moment slater did we get pulled apart, me by Pops and Tom by Uncle Liam. "What is wrong with you two?! It's your birthday!" Dad said outloud. "I'm leaving" I signed one handed before stomping out of the room. I all but grabbed Zander and shoved him out of my house.

"Happy birthday" he signed as he started his car.

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