CH 18

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I followed my family who were already seated at a booth, already choosing what pizzas they were going to get, since Uncle Niall and his family would be joining us too. Because our dining party was so large, we actually sat at two separate booths; The 'adults' would sit in one booth and my brothers, Connor, Mary and I would sit in another booth.

Tonight it seemed there was live music as a guitarist was on the small stage just strumming without any vocals. I sat there as my family ordered, listening to the music; if I was being honest I was actually criticising the guitarist's numerous, small mistakes. I looked away as Oliver elbowed me and fingerspelled "Alicia" and pointed in a direction. My heart stopped as I saw my crush; Connor must have noticed my face cause he followed my eyes and looked at her too "You got a crush, mate?" he asked.

I nodded and he looked back at her "She's cute, when are you going to ask her out." "He's too shy" Tom interpreted for Oliver, voicing what his hands 'said'. "Listen bruv, just walk up to her, get in close into her ear and just say "I have an eight inch dick, want me to prove it to you?" half of the time it works every time" Connor said.

"Except it doesn't work at all" Mary said "Listen Henry just be nice to her." "So what she can friend-zone him?" Connor objected "No Henry you have to be aggressive, nice guys finish last and women are programmed to want strong guys; cause in caveman days it meant that the guy would be able to feed and protect his family." "That's what I've been saying for years!" Tom exclaimed.

"Connor, darling-" Mary started to say "No, Mary, shut up" Connor said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a Hershey Chocolate kiss "Walk over to her and ask her if she wants a kiss, if she says yes then snog the shite out of her, make her pregnant just by your kiss. If she says no, playing it off as if you were offering to give her the candy." "I can't do that, I'm not Tom-" I started to protest but Connor pointed in her direction and said "Go."

Connor was very persuasive and I was actually walking towards her. She was sitting alone at a table but I was so focused on her that I didn't notice there were two drinks in front of her. "Hello" I said. "Henry! Wow! Hi I didn't even see you here! Happy early birthday!" she said as she stood up to give me a hug. "Yeah I'm just here having dinner what your family...what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Funny you remember Ben?" "Ben? The junior?" I asked. "Yeah him, well he actually asked me out, we're on a date!" "Wait but I thought you two were just friends" I said. "Yeah right? I was so surprised that he asked me out, I was shocked...You know Henry I've always wondered why you never asked me out to be honest."

My brain came to screeching halt when I heard that and before I even process what she said, Ben came back "Oh hi, you' of the three brothers right? With the deaf one?" I nodded "Yeah I was just leaving...have a good date" I said as I all but ran away back to my table. "That bitch" I heard Connor say, looking over his shoulder as Ben and Alicia actually kissed.

"I hate to say 'i told you so' but-" Tom started to say. "I swear to God Tom if you finish that sentence I'll cut off your balls and put them as the topping of our pizza!" I nearly shouted. "Woah, woah, woah. What's happening? Everything alright?" Pops asked from the next table. I just put my head to the table and didn't say anything.

I ping-ponged back and forth from being angry to being sad all dinner, even Uncle Niall couldn't cheer me up; I actually took a crayon and the kids menu to scribbled all over the back of it, writing poetry. Tom would have ran off to play some sports, or met someone in the bathroom for some action, Oliver would have drew a picture but I dealt with my emotions with a piece of paper and a pen...or in this case a crayon.

The live singer walked off the staged and Connor nudged me "Sing your poem or whatever, Henry. Tell her what you feel." "I actually agree with my brother for once" Mary nodded. I was so angry that I didn't care that this was probably breaking the rules or whatever. I grabbed the guitar and placed the paper on the stool on stage so I can read it; I just started playing, allowing my fingers to create whatever music they wanted too. With a deep breath I started to sing:

Listen With Your Heart  [May Continue in Future]Where stories live. Discover now