Chapter 11

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Louis's POV

"Why is your son awake so early" I groaned as we heard Oliver stomping around the next morning, we could tell it was Oliver by the footsteps and the amount of noise he made. "My son? He looks more like you than me" Harry grumbled sleepily in response. "You're the one that gave birth to them and brought them in this world" I said as I turned over and cuddling against Harry's back. I loved my son but damn he was loud, I couldn't blame him though since he wasn't aware he was making noise.

"It's not even seven yet, what ever happened to teengers sleeping in?" Harry mumbled since the clock was on his side of the bed after a moment as Oliver was still stomping around the house "Should we be good parents and get up too?"

"Or" I said as I heard the front door open and close before silence settled on the house again "Since we're already up..." I said as I slipped my hand under his underwear and slowly stroked his hole. "Louis I'm still sore from last night, I'm not twenty years old anymore" Harry said already breathing heavily. "Oh yeah you're so old at thirty four" I teased playfully "You must think I'm ancient at thirty six then".

I thought about it for a second before I turned over so I laid on my stomach "You want an early breakfast then?" I asked as I shaked my bum slightly. Harry scrambled to the foot of the bed before he slid down my underwear, giving me a firm spank I rolled my eyes before Harry grabbed one cheek in his each hand before spreading them and giving them a lick. For some reason this was his favorite thing to do, I never understood why but I wasn't complaining; I definitely wasn't complaining, I thought as I buried my face into the pillow to stifle a moan.

An hour later once Harry and I were finished, showered and dressed we got the kids up and ready before we went to the cafe; as soon as Harry opened the door we were greeted by the mouthwatering smell of fresh baked cake. We saw Oliver in the back kitchen standing over what seemed to be a cupcake as he scooped out frosting with a spoon.

I waved until my son finally looked over; Oliver smiled and ran around the kitchen for a minute before walking out with a plate of five cupcakes. "Sit" he said to one of the tables where he set down the cupcakes "Last night the guy took me to a place where they served cupcakes and there were so many customers; so I decided to give it a try" he explained. He went back to the kitchen and took out more plates of cupcakes, no wonder he left so early; each of us were given five cupcakes so he made twenty little cakes. He definitely didn't get this hard working attitude from my side of the family.

"Don't touch them yet, I need to explain them" Oliver signed as he smacked Tommy's hand away as Tommy reached for one of the cupcakes. Oliver went to the back and gave Harry and I a sheet of paper "I did some math and these can be the prices for each cupcake" he said; as soon as I saw numbers I just gave it to Harry.

"This is the Tomlinson cupcake" he said as he pointed to a cupcake with bluey greeny blue frosting "It's a vanilla cupcake with just of hint of English tea baked right into the batter; it's not overwhelming but you can definitely taste it. I made it since our family is originally from England". I tasted the cupcake and it was really good, you could taste the tea clearly but it wasn't a strong flavor. Oliver continued to go down the line "This is "The Tommy" and it's a little spicy since I added lots of cinnamon and a touch of cayenne pepper to the chocolate batter, this cupcake has a little kick like Tom does. This one is "The Henry" it's a red velvet cupcake with white chocolate chips, sweet like Henry is". "The other two are just a double chocolate cupcake, and a marble cupcake" Oliver finished.

"Where did you even get all the ingredients?" Harry asked. "I left early this morning and went to the store" Oliver replied "So what do you think, maybe we can sell these? The place I went last night was packed". Harry thought about for a second before nodding "Sure, let's give it a try".

"Dad, what was your last name before you married Pops?" Henry said out loud, looking at his phone. "Styles" Harry answered, confused "Why?" "Do you know a Anne Styles?" Henry asked, still looking at his phone "She sent me a friend request on Facebook". Harry looked at me with panic in his eyes "Did...did she say anything?" Harry asked, trying his best to remain calm "No, only my friends can send me messages on Facebook" Henry answered. "You know she sent me a request too, but I didn't look at it" Tom said through a mouthful of cupcake. "I don't know who she is," Harry finally said, lying. Henry nodded "Rejected and Blocked" he said before standing up "We should we ready for our customers then huh?"

"Louis why the hell is my mom trying to get in contact with our children?" Harry whispered angrily as the kids went to the back, clearly stressed out "When she found out I was pregnant she disowned me and then when I came to America with you she vowed never to speak to me again; all of a sudden she's trying to friend our sons?!" "Harry let's just get through this day and we'll talk about it when we get home alright?" I said "We always said that our kids have a right to know their grandparents". "They don't know your parents either" Harry snapped "Or the fact that they send us money every two weeks".

"Why don't you give her a call then?" I offered. Harry snorted "I'll send her an email tonight, she can't just ignore my babies for eighteen years and then just throw around friend requests a few days before their birthday".

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