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Henry's POV

Awkward doesn't even begin to describe the atmosphere inside the house, tense was a huge understatement. My brothers and I all crowded on the two person couch, afraid to be alone as our parents sat on the two arm chairs, staring at my aunt and grandmother. Not a single word has been said since we walked in.

"Oliver made the cake himself" I said, finally breaking the silence "Dad taught him how to bake." "Yeah since he didn't have a grandmother to teach him" Dad said and at that moment, everything bubbled to the surface.

Dad was utterly terrifying when he was legitimately angry, he would shout, sometimes throw things, he one time even snapped a tv remote in half; Dad has never hit anyone but I actually worried that he would hit his mom. His mother, much to her credit, just sat there and let him shout at her. Dad ranted for a solid three minutes, without taking a breath it seemed, and ended it with "Well say something!" "I'm sorry" was all she said.

"Sorry? Sorry didn't help when Tom was sick and we had no idea what to do-" Dad started off again. Again his mother just sat there and took the full force of his rage, with no one else doing anything. "If you'll let me, I'd very much like to be a part of their lives again" Dad's mom said when he finally finished shouting. "I think that'll be great" Pops said, giving a meaningful look to Dad "All we wanted was a whole family."

After that, it was surprisingly nice. After Dad was allowed to get everything off of his chest, communication could finally happen; his mom explained her side of the story about how hurt she was when he left and Dad actually listened. Dad was never one to hold grudges and he actually seemed to be trying to forgive her.

When dinner actually started the entire atmosphere was a lot better and there was actually some laughter as Pops and Dad started telling stories about us when we were babies since Dad's mom and sister wanted to know everything.

Poor Oliver though tried his best to follow the conversation and it looked like he was watching a ping-pong match by how his head kept turning every three seconds when someone spoke up. Dad and Pops long since learned not to overlap when speaking to make it easier for Ollie but, of course, grandma and our aunt didn't know that.

Dad's mom however noticed and while Ollie was watching a conversation between Dad and his sister asked "Oliver are you alright?" I quickly placed my hand in Ollie's and drew an arrow on his palm, when Oliver looked at Dad's mom she repeated the question but she was wiping her mouth with a napkin. Oliver nodded, as was his usual default answer, and she said "So how is school going?" Oliver nodded again since Dad's mom glanced away, causing Oliver to be unable to read her lips. Dad's mom look at him strangely but Pops saved Oliver "He's just shy" he explained.

After dinner, when Dad and his sister were serving the cake, they dropped a plate. Everyone looked over at the noise but Oliver was looking down at his phone. "He can't hear, can he?" Dad's mom said. "Yeah, it's not a big deal" Pop said. "Not a big deal?! Louis he won't be able to drive cause he can't hear police sirens, he won't be able to hear his baby cry! Aww you poor thing, here, let me cut the pork chop for you."

We all looked at Pops as she started cutting up Oliver's food as if he were a child but Pops just shook his head, probably not wanting to break the new found peace in the family. Oliver smiled as he was given his food back, what else could he do.

For the rest of the time we were there grandma, since Dad gave us the go ahead to call her that, babied Oliver in every way; not only was she quick to help him but he also got extra ice cream; Oliver hated it but tolerated it for the good of the family. When Dad and Pops tried to explain that Oliver was totally capable, she just looked at them like they were idiots. Oliver tried to hide behind our parents for the rest of the night.

Grandma asked what we were going to go about our future, if the three of would go to college. Oliver nodded and was playing with the idea of going to a cooking school. Tom however was applying for a soccer scholarship and hoping to go pro, as he's always been a big dreamer, and I was going to go to a music school, maybe become a music teacher.

Well, Tom and Ollie made peace with each other over Zander and our family was more or less whole now, even though it would take a long while to feel like an actual family and to teach our grandmother that Ollie was just as capable as anyone else and didn't need any help. All in all, our future looked bright.




Thanks for reading peeps! This ending isn't one of my best but I think it's a good idea to just leave this story here rather than drag it out and making it boring, because truthfully, I lost all motivation with this story. I'll probably post epilogues on this story because I did have plans for Henry and Tom to be in relationships and I have a whole story line for the triplets learning to drive and other stuff...but they'll probably be like really long one shots rather than actual chapters, if that makes any sense.

If you have anything you want to see from the family then let me know! I'm open to all ideas and there is actually a lot I didn't post in this story that I've thought about, you can message me on here or at Tumblr  at Arvernii

Also I'm looking for new beta/proof readers since mine got super busy, please send me a message or leave a comment if you're interested!

Larry is real [it took Elton John fifty years and Ricky Martin twenty years to come out so don't lose hope!]

All the best


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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