CH 23

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Louis POV

I held on to Harry's hips, trying to remain standing as he violently twerked against me; I might have had the bigger bum, but Harry definitely knew how to use his. If we weren't careful we might make another baby tonight, kidding, I had a procedure done years ago to make sure that didn't happen again. Zayn and Liam took Harry and I to a gay bar for my birthday, we haven't been to one in years.

My head turned to look over my shoulder as I felt a hand on a bum and this young guy, not even older than my lads, was standing there, dancing against me "Room for three?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

I laughed "Lad, I'm old enough to be your dad." "Then I guess I'll just have to you call Daddy then" the lad said, not even hesitating. "I'm happily taken, sorry" I answered and smiled as the lad walked away; I would never ever cheat on Harry but it made me happy to know that I still got it, even in my old-as-arse age.

It was strange being in England again after so many years, I didn't miss the weather very much, or the people if I was being honest; Americans were so much more friendly.

It was my birthday, or Christmas Eve as some people call it, and we've been in England for two days but always found some excuse not to go to Harry's mom house. I didn't mind since we had beer and our friends but the longer we kept postponing the harder it would be to actually do this.

Harry stopped dancing and pulled out his phone, chuckling he showed me Tom's whiny text "Dad can we still open presents tomorrow morning? Connor keeps talking about Boxing Day. Tell him that America beat Britain's ass in 1776 so we deserve to have a good old fashion Christmas morning like back home."

Since we raised our kids American, as a family we didn't really celebrate Boxing Day; although Harry and I would still give each other a little something on actual Boxing Day. "We'll talk about it when we get home" came Harry's diplomatic response.

"Where you been?" I asked Zayn and Liam who finally reappeared, at a closer look though I laughed; Liam's swollen lips and the glazed look in Zayn's eyes, as well as the fact that Zayn's fly was still open, told me all I needed to know. "Some things never change, you two have never really been a fan of your own bed have you?" Harry asked with his dimpled smile. Liam and Zayn only shrugged with a grin but didn't actually say anything.


"Happy birthday" Harry said as we got ready for bed later that night, holding out a box to me. "Babe, every day I'm married to you is a gift, you don't need to buy me anything" I said with a slight frown. "Just open it" Harry said.

It was a booklet of what seemed to be index or flash cards with different things written on them, some were ideas for dates, some were my favorite home cooked meals but the rest were far...sexier. Role playing scenarios, 'requests' and there were even two where Harry would wear a buttplug for an entire day like back when we were teens. At the bottom of the box, a pair of blue dice could be seen, we've always talked about getting naughty dice but never actually did it; one die had an action like kiss, lick, suck etc and the other had a body part like nipple, balls, neck etc.

"Harry Styles you naughty boy" I said, looking over at him as he sat on the bed next to me. "You want to give it a go?" he asked, I smiled and flipped through the cards for a second but before I could choose one an incredibly loud thump was followed by voices "Bloody hell who died?" Connor said. "No one, Henry just fell out of bed again, he does that sometimes. It's why we have rails on the top bunk back home, since that's where Henry sleeps" Tom answered followed by an a quiet 'Ow' from Henry.

"Go back to sleep you twats it's only bloody two in the morning, you mingy drippy spaffs, I should kill you for waking me up so early" Connor grumbled. "Wait it's Christmas!" Tom said excitedly before loud footsteps followed and our door burst open "Oh good you're awake! It's Christmas! Presents?!"

Harry and I looked at each other before Harry sighed "Sure, but after presents we're all heading back to bed ok?" "Maybe you are" Tom said with a grin before running back to Connor's bedroom "Henry wake up Oliver it's time for presents!"

"Curse Americans with their greediness and their MacDonalds and 'look at me I'm a free eagle' but they're all bloody the same except for the smallest differences because they all conform to each other -" "Are you finished?" Tom said. "Imma go make coffee, something tells me that you lot won't be going to sleep anytime soon." "Henry go wake up Mary, I'll get our Uncles."

"Think we'll be spending Christmas dinner with your mom...?" I asked as we got dressed again. " know it's Christmas and we haven't I think we can go tomorrow" Harry answered. "You've been saying tomorrow since two yesterdays ago" I said "Harry we're here to make amends." "I'm going to help Connor make some coffee" Harry said as he walked out.

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