CH 21

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I sat in Zander's room at the Deaf school, he lived on campus in the dorm there since his actual home was hours away back on the reservation. We sat in his room watching tv, unspeaking, he was obviously uncomfortable and trying to think of something to say but I was too upset at my brother to care.

He tapped me and signed "I know of a party that's happening tonight here on's not as good as a birthday party but...we can still celebrate...Alejandro is gonna be there if you care". I shrugged "Ok". He smiled "I'm sorry about your family but let's have fun without them, c'mon" he said before he got up, grabbed his set of keys and walked out of the room.

The building seemed to be an indoor basketball court or something and it was surprising well lit, well I guess not surprising as everyone needed to see everyone else's fingers. The music was so loud that my heart and stomach jumped with the bass, I could actually hear the music with my hearing aide since the music was so loud.

"Hey Sitting Bull, who's your hot friend?" a deaf guy signed, walking up to us. "Sean please don't call me that, I have a 'normal name'. This is Oliver, my boyfriend" Zander said. "Yeah ok, Crazy Horse. So why is a guy like you dating a Native and not someone like me? You can do so much better than Red Cloud over there" Sean signed with a flirty smile "You should dance with me and let him go back to his rain dances."

I gave a bitchy smile "Well you know the native peoples have a real strong connection to nature" I grabbed the front of Zander's pants, causing Zander to flinch strongly as he was caught off guard "and he's proof, did you know his name is actually Thick Tree? I think you can guess why" I said one handed before I walked away, grabbing Zander's wrist instead of his crotch.

"Assholes are everywhere, even in the Deaf community" I sighed. I turned to look at Zander who had a huge grin on his face. "What?" I asked. "That was really hot, I'm not going to lie" he said. "Dork" I said before pressing my lips into his "But if anyone messes with you again, I'm going to slap them ok?" "Yes daddy" he signed, fingerspelling the word 'daddy' and not actually calling me his father.

I raised an eyebrow "Daddy?" "If you act like that..." Zander signed as he blushed. "Just shut up and dance with me" I said dragging him to the dance floor, my mood rapidly improving.

As a rule, Tomlinson's couldn't dance, Pops was the king of awkward dad dances and the only dance move Dad knew how to do was twerk...somewhat. I didn't care though, I was so over being in a shitty mood that I was determined to enjoy my birthday, even if it was with Zander and not my family. The fact that I couldn't dance was hidden when Zander turned around and started grinding on me with his butt, so all I needed to do was match his rhythm.

Zander on the other hand was a great dancer, at least from my point of view, if you catch my drift; his dancing quickly just became just a standing lapdance. I was actually surprised by his behavior, it took him a full week to kiss me once we became official and I was the one that had to kiss him first. Zander was the type of guy who apologize when he stuck his tongue in your mouth without asking first so this was surprising. I had to admit though, Tomlinson's were passionate so Zander's gentlemanliness was frustrating at times.

Zander turned around when a slow song came on, and by slow I mean that my heart wasn't trying to launch out of my chest from the beat anymore but instead there was a constant rumble that shook my bones at a slower tempo. "Are you ok?" I asked. Zander smiled "I just keep replaying that scene from my head...not to sound, like, corny or anything, but no one has ever stood up for me before. Everyone just tolerates Sean's 'sense of humor' since he's sorta popular."

I frowned "Seriously?" Zander shrugs "He's the closest thing we have to a bully at this school but he's more of an annoyance than anything so no one really does anything about him but's cool how you stood up for me. Like my knight in shining wanna go back up to my room for a while...daddy?""

I cocked an eyebrow "I've never seen this side of you before" I signed. I bit back a chuckle as he pulled us a little closer in the and I felt his erection on my pelvis since he was just a little taller than I was. I followed him wordlessly as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me from the party/dance, whatever this was.

We went back to his room and he all but pushed me backwards on his bed. He sat on my thighs, his fingers dancing on my pants as the gave me 'the look', waiting for permission. When I nodded he undid my pants and palmed me through my underwear. I closed my eyes and sighed as my phone vibrated in my pocket though.

"Oliver please come home, I made you a cake from scratch" the message from Dad said, a moment later I got a text from Pops that said "Your father also made his famous chicken and chili."

"Alright" was I replied. "So...what happens now?" Zander asked. "I should be going" I signed, as I started to get up. Zander pushed my back down with a hand on my chest "Not until I get what I want." "And what do you-" my hand become like a dinosaur's claw hand as Zander, in one swift move, pulled down my underwear and took me into his mouth without any warning.


"Thanks for tonight" I signed as Zander and I sat in front of my house after he drove me back. "I'm happy you had fun" Zander smiled before he licked his lips. "Oh wait" before he reached into his back seat. He pulled out a box from the back and handed it to me "I forgot about this, I'm sorry."

"You already gave me a birthday present, the colored pencils" I pointed out. "Yeah but I saw this in a thrift shop and I knew you should have it" he signed. I opened it and my eyes went wide; it was an instant camera, the kind where you took a picture and the picture is immediately printed out, like a Polaroid. It came with a new stack of film in light proof paper.

"Thank you so much" I said "I've wanted one forever but never knew where to find one since most all cameras sold now are digital." Zander smiled "I'd buy you the moon if it meant I could see that smile, the kind where you smile so hard I can't even see your eyes and the edges of your eyes get all crinkled. " I rolled my eyes before leaning over to give him a kiss "Thanks babe I'll see you later."

I entered my house and no one mentioned my absence, I was just gestured to the dining room where a square of cake and a bowl of chili was waiting for me. I nodded and entered my room where I ran into Tom.

"Listen Oliver, I just wanted to apologize. If Zander makes you happy then I shouldn't try to interfere" Tom signed. I blinked, caught off guard and surprised "Wow thanks" I replied. "Forgive me? Still Brothers?" he asked. I smiled "We never weren't, you're just an ass sometimes." "Yeah, anyway come on, I'm dying for some of Dad's chili and he didn't let anyone have a taste until you got home. Dad had to send Connor out because he was bugging for a bowl so badly. Also Uncle Niall and Rana and crew are coming over also for our birthday."

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