CH 13

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Henry's POV

Tom was being completely unfair. Everyone deserved a second chance but he had it out for that deaf guy that went on the date with Oliver last night. Tom visited the deaf guy's table once since he and a friend sat down and Tom hasn't checked in on them since; I tried a couple of times but was chased away by Tom. I wasn't even sure why Tom disliked him so much, it's not like that guy tried to take advantage of Oliver or something.

They still only had glasses of water on their table even though they set down their menu a solid ten minutes ago, signaling they were ready to order. When Tom had his back turned, I waved at them and quickly, using my hands, asked them what they wanted from across the cafe; one of the perks of signing, you can communicate silently across a room.

I snuck those guys their food without Tom seeing but when he glanced over and saw them eating Ollie's cupcakes, he shot me a death glare that I pretended to not see. Tom made them as uncomfortable as he possibly could and they left shortly after they finished eating, the deaf guy slipped me a note written on a napkin, to give to Oliver later.


"I'm thinking we stay open for lunch, what do you think?" Tom asked me, looking at the clock; it was close to two, when we usually closed for the day. "I've made more cash today from tips than I have the past two weeks combined; Oliver's cupcakes are a cash cow and if the cow is still producing milk, let's keep milking it." "Aren't you the one that fought for the 2pm closing time?" I asked as I cleaned tables "Aren't you sad that you're Saturday is going to be wasted here?"

Tom reached into his pocket and pulled out twenty seven dollars "I made this just today, let's keep the doors open, I'm sure more people will want cupcakes closer to lunch or maybe even dinner." I shrugged "Alright, but you should go talk to Dad and Pops first" I said as I gathered up the dishes to take them to the back so my brothers and I can wash them.

"Do you even know where they are?" Tommy asked. I looked in the back but Dad wasn't there so I just shook my head and said "No, and if they're not around we shouldn't go looking for them, the last thing we want to do is stumble on...whatever they're doing. You remember what happened last time."

Tom nodded "I still want to know that the hell they were doing with the whisk and the carrot." I looked at my brother "Seriously? You want to know what they were doing?" Tom smiled "Maybe they can teach me some new moves that I can use next time I have a girl or guy over. After all, sex is what keeps people together so it must be damn good to keep them together after eighteen years." "Or you know, they can be in love" I countered. Tom scoffed "Well obviously but if the sex isn't good then-" Tom closed his mouth as Pops walked in, looking dazed, but not in a post-sex daze.

"Papa, everything alright?" I asked, concerned. Pops looked at the clock "Let's wrap this up, it's almost closing time." "Papa I was thinking maybe we can stay open. I mean the customers really like the food so maybe-" Tom started to say but was cut off "No Tom, your father and I need to...discuss something with you and your brothers alright, so please just clean up." "But Papa-" Tom started to say.

Pops walked over and placed a hand on Tom's shoulder "Tom I usually love your stubborn, feisty, fiery spirit but please just for today, please just listen ok?" Tom and I stood there, blown away by the fact that Papa was begging. Pops kicked ass and took names, he never begged; people begged him. "Yeah...Yeah ok" Tom said, walking over to the last tables that had customers to gently nudge them out the door.

An hour later Pops drove us to our favorite restaurant, Chipotle; Dad wasn't with us, apparently he left work early and was going to meet us there. In the back we tried to bring Oliver up to speed but it was hard since we had no idea what was going on.

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