Chapter 6

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Oliver's POV

I walked into the large room where all five of my classes would be. The paper in my hands said that this would be the only classroom I would be in and teachers would actually rotate instead of us going to an entire new classroom, strange.

The teacher was arranging the desks in a semicircle, instead of the rows that classrooms were usually in; the format was so everyone could see everyone else's hands. I took a seat within the semi circle, close to the middle, I was the first one there since Henry hated being late to anything so Tom and I were also forced to be early everywhere.

The teacher saw me sit down and said "Welcome to the class" he said with his hands "I don't think we met before, who was your mentor?" "I didn't go to the deaf school, I've been in public school forever" I said with one hand as my other was holding my phone. "Oh you're Oliver Tomlinson? I heard there was a deaf student at this school" he said "Well I'm Mr Brown and I'll be your homeroom teacher". I nodded and turned back to my phone, not really interested in any conversation; Henry was the teacher's pet not me.

Students came into the room in groups and it very obvious that these people already new and were familiar with each other; I kept getting looks which I ignored. The Riverside School for the Deaf offered classes from K-12 so all of these people have probably spent years with each other; some of them vaguely recognized me but none of them came up to me and spoke to me, except one.

"Hi" that boy from the beach who insulted my family signed as he sat next to me. I gave a half smile and looked back at my phone where I was looking at different cameras that I wanted for my birthday. He tried to get my attention again but I refused to look at him so instead he wrote a note on a slip of paper that said "Sorry about insulting your family, I didn't know".

The lights flicked on and off and we all looked toward the front of the room where Mr Brown was with a woman. Using his hands he said "Did everyone have a good summer?" a guy responded "Yeah until I got a letter last week" which made everyone laugh. "I know this isn't ideal but it's the best we can do so let's just try to make the best of it; beside me is Ms. Applestone who works with the district and she has some forms for you. Just fill them out so we can assign you all interpreters as mandated by federal law".

The woman started slowly started moving around the semicircle passing out the forms and when she came to me I waved my hand to say no. "I don't want an interpreter" I signed when I saw the look on her face. She turned to the teacher, obviously not understanding "No it's fine Oliver you don't need to pay or do anything; under federal law you have a right to an interpreter outside of his classroom while on school grounds". "I've survived just fine without one, thanks" I signed. I was keenly aware of everyone staring at me as the woman moved on to the next desk.

I took out my phone as it vibrated in my pocket, it was Dad who sent a mass text to my brothers and I "Niall, his wife, and daughter are joining us for dinner so hurry home today. All the love, Dad". "Do you think Rana will bring curry? I love her curry" Henry's immediate response came in the group text "She brings curry literally every time she comes over because she knows you love it, you realize that she probably cooks more than just curry but you won't let her bring something different" Tommy quickly replied into the chat. "Tom be nice to your brother, also aren't you lads in school? Don't text in class." Pops texted.

I looked up from my as phone at Mr Brown who was standing in front of me "No phones in class. "So I was thinking we could all go around the room and an ice breaker" he signed to the entire class. "Why? We all know each other" a girl asked. Mr Brown pointed at me "Does anyone know this student?" When no one said anything he said "We're all deaf here, let's not be rude; he pointed to a guy at the end of the semi-circle "Charlie why don't you go first, just say your name and an interesting fact about yourself".

I wanted to bang my head against the table in frustration, this is exactly why I didn't like the deaf school; they went completely above and beyond making someone feel welcome to the point where it was uncomfortable and awkward. "We don't have to do this, I'll learn everyone's names as we go along" I quickly said as the guy at the end started to introduce himself. The teacher ignored my protests and we did the awkward ice breaker; when it was my turn I just said that I liked art and quickly sat down.

I quickly walked out of the room as homeroom was over so we had a fifteen minute break before the academic classes would begin. I met my brothers at the usual spot where we would hang out; Henry was already sitting on the edge of the planter with three muffins, the one to got there first always got muffins for the other two.

"Hey, how's that program working out?" Henry asked as I sat next to him and took my chocolate chip muffin. "At the end of the day I'm going back to normal classes, this is exactly how I remembered and I don't like it" I replied. "Ollie you've been in that class for all of half an hour, give it a chance" Tom said, walking towards us. "We've had this dance before Tom it didn't work out, why would it work now?" I asked as he took his banana nut muffin.

"Do it for our parents Ollie, they were so disappointed when you came back to public school. I know that Dad didn't make a huge fuss about this but I bet that if you act like you really like program that you'll make Dad and Papa really happy. They tried so hard for you to have a normal life and they just want you to be surrounded by people like you so you don't feel...handicapped, you know that" Henry said.

"I know but...fine, I'll pretend like I actually like it and see their reactions; if they're happy then I'll tough it out for a while" I said, grumpily. "So any cuties in your class? Tom asked. "That jerk from the beach is in my class" I said. Tommy held out his hands "Give me your hearing aids, I'll pretend to be you and have a talk with that guy".

I chuckled, the three of us would always pretend to be each other especially at school; Henry last year took every single one of Tom's physics tests since Tom needed a good grade in that class or he wouldn't have been able to graduate, Henry took that same physics class the year before before Tom did. Since the ninth grade I haven't taken a single math or science test, Henry or Tommy took them for me since I struggled so much in those classes. Henry, two years ago, took a film class for some reason I had to help him with that.

"No it's alright" I signed "Besides our parents are going to ask me questions about the classes and you know how bad of a liar I am so I need to be there"

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