CH 17

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Henry's POV

Zander drove us home, as usual, but when we got home we saw an extra car in the driveway, a rental car. Tom shouted in happiness as he ran inside, leaving his backpack and things behind; I sighed as I gathered up his stuff. "Do you want to meet my Uncles and their kids?" Oliver asked to Zander who just stared after Tommy in confusion. "Uncles? Your dad's brothers are also gay?" Zander signed. "No, well yeah they're gay, but their not my real uncles. They're my dad's best friends." Zander shook his head "I can't, I have to finish your gift since your birthday is tomorrow."

"My gift? What are you getting me?" Oliver asked, "I'm not getting you anything, I'm making you something, you'll see it tomorrow. Now get out of my car before you convince me to tell you. You know I can't say no to that face" he signed with a smile.

Oliver and I walked inside our house and sure enough Uncle Zayn and Uncle Liam were sitting in our living room with our parents. Connor was in the backyard with the dogs and Tommy and Mary sat on the ground petting Snowflake.

Connor and Mary were Uncle Zayn's and Uncle Liam's adopted children; Connor was actually twenty two and Mary was nineteen. Connor was born in Wales and to this day claimed to be Welsh even though he lived in Wolverhampton with Uncle Liam and Uncle Zayn. Mary was English and was given up to adoption the day she was born; Uncle Zayn and Uncle Liam snatched her up.

Connor was a redhead, but his medium, swept hair looked brown in low light since it was so dark instead of orange and he looked like he stepped out of an Abercrombie and Fitch magazine; he worked out every single day and it showed, he even had a better body than Tom and Oliver. He did used any reason to take off his shirt and even though he was practically my cousin, even I had to admit that he was hella hot.

Mary was very pretty too with her long blonde hair and blue eyes and even though she loved to wear dresses and jewelry, had the personality of a tom-boy. She could kick Tom's ass in sports and she was great at the drums; she also went to gym with Connor so she had a body a lot of women would have killed for. She has never had a boyfriend though since Connor literally beat up any guy who looked at her; he's actually been arrested several times back in the UK and once here for "disorderly conduct".

Mary wasn't that close to my brothers and I; we were too different. Mary was a total bitch, I say in the nicest way possible, she was the type of person that would call you 'darling' and you think she was hitting on you or being nice but what she really meant was "idiot", "asshole" or 'moron": "Darling you totally rock those shoes". "She also loved the phrase "aren't you charming" which basically meant "There is no doubt in my mind that you are mentally ill, you idiot. Why are you even allowed to breathe the same air as me. Is stupid contagious cause, if so, I want you to go over there...away from me" I really admired her, the way she can could what she thought but avoid confrontation or even hurting feelings.

Oliver ran inside and crashed into Uncle Liam's broad chest, forcing him back down on the couch since he was in the middle of getting to his feet. Uncle Zayn laughed and hugged the both of them and I ran in to join the group hug; a moment later I felt my parents join the hug also. Groups hugs with my Uncles and my parents were amazing. "Now that you're home lets go get dinner" Uncle Zayn said "Henry go tell Tom and Conchobar to come inside."

Conchobar was Connor's nickname for some reason, an inside joke or something; hardly anyone ever called him Connor except for my brothers and fact I don't think Uncle Zayn has ever called Connor, Connor unless he was in trouble.

Connor was given up for adoption when he was eight years old, or rather the government pulled him from his home and placed him up for adoption because both of his parents were drug using prostitutes and Child Services found them unfit to be parents. Connor himself was a nice person, since Uncle Liam and Uncle Zayn gave him a stable, loving home but due to his childhood had very strange, troubling views on life.

Tommy really looked up to Connor, for better or worse; Connor was actually where Tom got his warped ideas about love from. Tommy and Connor were very, very close, so close that I would sometimes get jealous that Connor got on better with my brother than I did. Mary on the other hand, being completely raised by Uncle Zayn and Uncle Liam was more..."normal" if there was such a thing as normal.

"So where do you want to eat? I was thinking -"Dad started to say but was interrupted by Connor who shouted out "Pizza! American pizza is the dog's bollocks!" "This is the triplet's birthday weekend, let them decide" Uncle Liam said, chuckling. Connor turned to Tommy "Say pizza." "Pizza" Tommy said automatically and the adults just sighed. "I can go for some pizza too" I said before turning to Oliver and fingerspelling the word "pizza" before slightly wiggling my index finger, the equivalent of a question mark, he just shrugged and Connor cheered.

"I can drive the lads and Mary, and you all can ride in their car and catch up" Connor offered to Uncle Liam and Uncle Zayn. Dad and Liam looked at each other, it wasn't that Connor was a bad driver, he was just notoriously aggressive. "Yeah that's fine" Pops said.

"So Oliver you still doing that hand waving thing?" Connor asked as he started driving, following our parent's car to the pizza place. "No last week his auditory nerve was healed and he can now speak and listen perfectly. Of course he's still 'doing that hand waving' thing, and why does everyone call it that?" Tom said from the passenger seat. "Alright lad geez sorry, I was just taking the piss" Connor said. I chuckled and looked at Oliver who was completely oblivious to what was happening as he texted Zander on his phone. "Connor you have the best sense of humor. You're so charming" Mary said, not even looking up from your phone.

"What about you, Harry Jr?" Connor asked, ignoring his sister, turning in his seat to briefly look at me. "What about me what?" I asked. "Have you put your dick into anyone yet? Or had any stuck into you? I forget, are you a top or bottom?" Connor asked, as bored as if he was asking about the weather tomorrow. I sputtered, even though I shouldn't have been surprised since this was Connor's personality. "I really wish we had another girl in this family" Mary scoffed.

"He's still single and a virgin" Tom answered for me "Ollie has a boyfriend but I'm not sure if they've gone that far...they haven't spent the night at each other's houses yet or anything." "Oliver has a boyfriend? Do tell!" Connor said excitedly "My little brother is growing up!"

I listened to Tom tell Connor about Zander and I was actually horrified of how Tom described Zander, Tom didn't like him at all. According to Tom, Zander was this conniving guy who was dating Oliver only because of Oliver's body and because Oliver was desperate to find a date, so Zander was just using him. I tried to defend Zander but really couldn't put in a word edgewise.

When we arrived at the pizza place Connor pulled me aside and asked "Is he really like that?" When I shook my head Connor nodded and followed my brothers inside the pizza place.

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