CH 19

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Henry's POV

It was my brother's and I birthday weekend and even though i was still sad and upset about Alicia, the festive atmosphere really lifted my spirits. My brothers, myself, Connor and Mary all slept in our room; my brothers and I all slept in Tom's bed, Connor took the bottom bunk, Oliver's bed, and Mary took the top bunk, my bed, and it was fun to share a bed with all my brothers again like when we were little. When I got home that night with Alicia, we actually had a silent conversation with our fingers as Connor and Mary slept, it made me feel a lot better.

Since it was the weekend, my family was at work and we were super busy. Oliver changed his cupcakes, he kept the flavors but made the cakes less sweet and more dense, changing them into muffins since no one wanted cupcakes for breakfast, they were a huge hit.

They were so popular in fact that Uncle Liam, Uncle Zayn Connor and Mary were all drafted as reinforcements to help us. Uncle Liam and Uncle Zayn were both in the kitchen helping make the hot foods, like eggs and bacon and stuff while Dad helped Oliver with his muffins. Tom, myself, Connor and Mary all worked and dining room while Pops worked the cash register, it was a lot of fun to work with my best friends.

That afternoon though, my brothers and I were kicked out of the house as Dad 'clean up', code word for setting up for our party. Dad always threw surprise parties even though he wasn't subtle or 'surprising' at all but he always got so excited for our birthday that my brothers and I just played along. Tom went off to god-knows-who's house while Oliver went to the gym to swim a few laps, walking with me to the music/record store before continuing to the gym. I came to this store all the time, it was actually where I got my first guitar and got lessons when Uncle Niall was busy.

I nodded to the daughter of the store owner who was behind the counter playing on a ukulele. Rosa was two years older than I was, she was almost twenty, she was peruvian and had a slightly adorable accent when she spoke. She had brown eyes and long black hair that was always in a perfect braid.

"Hey Henry" she said, knowing my name since I came so often. "Hey Rosa, you play the ukulele?" I asked. "Not really, it's just a hobby. I have a lot of free time in this place now since everyone gets their music online" she said. "Can you teach me?" I asked, since I had nothing better to do. She laughed "You're going to be one of those people that can play every instrument huh?" I chuckled "Nah, but I play the guitar and bass guitar so how much different can a ukulele be?" "Famous last words" she chuckled again "Bring that seat over here and I'll teach you the basics." As I sat down Rosa scooted closer to me with a small smile but I didn't think anything of it.

I really loved the ukulele, it was small so it didn't hurt my hands as much as guitars did. My hands weren't as small as Pops but they weren't nearly as big as Dad's either. Dad's hands were so big that my brothers and I all probably fit into one of his hands until we were about four years old.

About an hour later or so I look up to see Oliver walk into the store with wet hair before nodding his head to the side, telling me it's time to go. I was surprised and pulled out my phone and saw got a text from Dad telling us to come back home.

"I have to go, my birthday party is ready" I said, standing up. "It's your birthday? Then take the ukulele" Rosa said. "What? No I couldn't" I protested. "Eh that one is my extra, I have another at home. Take it." She said, smiling "Plus you don't seem as cheerful as you usually are so...I don't want to get into your business but I hope it makes you feel better."

"Thank you, and yeah this girl I liked...she got a boyfriend" I said. Rosa started playing with the end of her braid and said "Well maybe there is another girl that likes you." I laughed "Impossible. I don't have Tom's confidence or body and I'm not as funny as Oliver is, and he has a better body than I do as well. Who would want to get with me when I have two clones that are better? Anyway thanks Rosa." I said smiling before walking out of the store "Come back soon Henry" she called after me. I met up with Oliver who was outside texting, we made eye contact before walking down the street, I was so happy about my new ukulele that I was playing it while walking down the street. I stopped though, ashamed, when some people started to look at me weird.

Oliver and I sat down at a bus stop waiting for Tom, he wanted all three of us to walk in together. "Do you think it's ok if I invite Zander to our birthday?" Oliver asked. "Sure I don't see why not" I shrugged. "You sure? I know that our birthdays are just family because it's the day we became a family...we've never really invited anyone else to our birthdays, except as kids, but, you know" Oliver said. "Look...are you serious about this guy?" I asked and Oliver nodded "Then why not? It's not like this is just a fling. Besides our parents already met him and they like him a lot" I pointed out.

"But how is Tom going to react?" Oliver asked. "Well he can take his opinion and shove it up his ass. You're the one dating Zander not him and he really doesn't have a say in this entire situation" I signed more angrily that I meant to but I was really get sick and tired of my brothers fighting.

Oliver nodded but still looked unsure before saying "No it's ok, he'll come and drop off his gifts and then I'll politely ask him to leave." "Your choice" I said as a black car pulled up to us. Tom stepped out and gave us a wide grin "You have lipstick on your neck" Oliver signed before he pointed to a spot on his neck. "Thanks" Tom said as he rubbed his neck. "Call me later Tom" the girl who drove him said. "Maybe" he said with a flirty smile and a wink that just made me roll my eyes.

"Are we ready for our birthday party? We're turning eighteen and I'm sure it's going to be memorable" Tom signed with his smiled.

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