Chapter 12

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Louis POV

Harry was agitated and upset, all of us knew it. The lads were in the dining room making posters to advertise Oliver's new cupcakes, giving Harry a lot of room as he beat the shite out of some dough to make our famous fresh, homebaked bread.

I've never seen Harry this mad, even when Oliver got in trouble at school for looking at pornography videos without realizing the sound was on, or when Thomas got into a fist fight at the park, or when Henry very nearly set the house on fire when he tried to make lunch for his brothers one day but used way too much oil.

"Harry, Love, are you alright?" I asked as Thomas and Henry went out to tape the posters around town as Oliver went into the actual kitchen to start on the cupcakes. "I'm fine" he all but snarled. "Do you...want to talk about it?" I asked, better that Harry shout at me than misdirect his anger at the lads. "No Louis, I don't" Harry said, before slamming the dough onto a baking sheet and throwing it in the oven to bake. He took a deep breath "Look I'm sorry alright I just...need some space right now ok?" he said before he leaned over and pecked me on the lips.


Oliver's cupcakes were a huge hit and paired very well with our coffee apparently, most people asked for the cakes with very little to no frosting though. Our little cafe was super busy as people invited their friends and family over to try Oliver's creations.  After all, who doesn't want cake for breakfast on a Saturday. 

Unfortunately since no one was ordering any of our usuals, it left Harry a lot of time to brood, sulk and become even angrier as he kept himself within his thoughts. I couldn't help since I was working the cash register, the lads were so busy that we couldn't do our usual system where they would use the cash register themselves as they bussed the tables.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched Harry slip out the back with his phone in his hand, probably deciding to just finally give his mom a call. "Papa that guy is here, make him leave" Thomas whispered urgently as he poured three mugs of coffee, looking at the door. "What?" I asked, distracted. "That guy that went on the date with Oliver yesterday and made him upset, the guy that insulted our family" Thomas pressed. "Tommy I know that you hold grudges but just let it go alright" I said, continuing to glance at the back door. "Fine, but whatever he orders I'm going to pee on, fair warning" Tommy said before stomping away.

After Tommy walked away and I took care of the last customer in line, I walked toward the back door. I could hear Harry shouting as soon as I entered the back area. I stood at door frame and watched Harry argue with his mom, unsure what to do or how to help my Hazza.

"Look Anne...No! I'm not going to call you 'Mom' anymore you lost that privilege when you disowned me eighteen years ago!...No, I didn't leave you, you left me! Us! I came to America for my babies, to give them the best life possible!...No don't you dare turn this around on me! You chose this! In the letter I left you when I left England, I gave you the address that I would have been living at, and my email has been the same since before I left also so you could have easily contacted me if you wanted too!" Harry was fully shouting at this point, waving his arm around for emphasis.

"Shut up Anne! I don't know who you think you are but I can tell you what you are! You're a woman who left her son when he needed her most, who forced her grandsons to be raised by four young adults who didn't know the difference between baby wipes and baby oil! If it wasn't for Greg, Niall and Louis's parents I don't know what would have happened! I was so scared Anne, I was so scared and the two times I called you, you ignored my calls and never called me back" Harry's voice dropped to a whisper at this pointed and he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed.

After listening to his phone for a moment Harry leapt up "So what, now you think that you can sneak into my son's lives without so much as an apology to me? I will not allow that Anne, you cannot call yourself their grandmother eighteen years later after never calling, or emailing or never even trying to talk to any of us. I know for a fact that Louis reached out to you once and you completely shut him down! I was there and you were on speaker phone!" I winced at the memory, Harry's mom tore me a new one for getting her son pregnant and then 'taking him away from her'.

"No, Louis's parents have never met the babies either.  Look, if you're sad about all the missed opportunities, memories, and moments that you were never a part of, tough biscuits but you chose that! I wanted, begged, you to be a part of their lives for years and you just totally ignored us! You have no right to feel neglected, and if you think that you're going to sneak into their lives by some backdoor loophole because their eighteen and 'adults'; I won't let you Anne. Your ship has sailed and you stood at the dock and stared as it left you behind!"

Harry listened for a moment before his eyes went wide "You...have cancer?"

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