Chapter 10

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"You drive?" I asked as we went to a car sitting in the parking lot and he opened the door with his keys. He nodded "You don't?" I shook my head "Last year my brothers and I wanted some pizza brother Tom decided to take my parent's other car since we were getting driving lessons at the time; our parents weren't home.  When we got home our parents were waiting for us...I've never seen them so mad; our parents never hit us but that night I was surprised they didn't".  "Did you even have learner's permits?" Alejandro asked, I shook my head and he laughed.

Alejandro continue to chuckle after we both got into his car "So what do you want to eat?" he asked as he turned the key.  I shrugged "I usually have something sweet after a workout, you know like a treat for myself for a good job" I answered. He nodded "I know just the place". 

I was shocked as Alejandro wanting to keep talking as he drove; since we were both signing he actually had to look at me to know what I was saying and take his eyes off the road.  I gave him one word answers and started playing on my phone, I'd rather be rude than dead in a car crash.  Is this how the deaf drove? I had no idea since I didn't have any deaf friends. 

We ended up at a bakery downtown and I felt slightly bad that I was walking into this place instead of my family's bakery but ours wasn't even open.  "This place has amazing cupcakes, and it's actually the only bakery in town that offers them this late" he said. I nodded and looked around, it actually seemed pretty busy; I did a double take after I glanced at a table, they were all signing.  "Since there are so many deaf people here because of the deaf school, some businesses offer a deaf night or something, I'm surprised you didn't know about it" Alejandro said when I commented on their signing.  I shook my head "I'm not...involved with anything deaf to be honest". 

Alejandro gave me a look before going to an empty table. "What do you want?" he asked before pointing at the menu above the cashier.  "The red velvet is fine" I answered. Alejandro chuckled "Of course, a classy cake for a classy guy" he said before standing up and going to the register. "So can I ask you something?" he signed as he came back with a tray with two cupcakes and two glass of milk.  I nodded and took my cupcake before he said "Why aren't you involved in the deaf community?"

"'s just...I don't understand why we need a culture or a community" I signed, unsure of how to sign what I felt "Like we can't hear, I don't understand why that needs to be celebrated or even announced. Are you familiar with the idea of Deaf Pride?" I asked him. "Of course" he nodded with the most confused look on his face. I tried to gather my thoughts "I completely don't understand the idea of "Deaf Pride".  Don't get me wrong, I don't see myself as broken or handicapped or in need of fixing...but at the same I don't run around showing off my hearing aides". 

Alejandro sat there for a moment before saying "Let me ask you one more question and then we can talk about something else; let's say that tomorrow, a doctor found a cure for deafness...would you go or stay deaf?"  "I'd definitely go" I answered without thinking.  "Why?" Alejandro asked. "Because when my family is all dancing to music, I want to dance too" I answered shortly, getting annoyed "My deafness is caused by nerve damage and it cannot be fixed; I realize that I can never hear and I'm ok with that but if there ever was an option that could make me hear, I would take it". 

I was infuriated by the look at Alejandro's face, almost like pity, I realized that there was a culture clash or whatever going on here but still.   "There is so much richness within the deaf community Oliver, you just need to experience it first hand; like for example we have deaf festivals and deaf movies-" I stopped paying attention as he went on and sent a sneaky text when he wasn't looking. 

He was nice and all but I really didn't think it would work out with him; the rest of the time we spent talking, I felt like he was trying to "sell" me on the idea on deaf culture and trying to change my mind about the hypothetical medical scenario and embrace my deafness of something. 

I looked over as the cavalry arrived; standing up I said "Sorry I have to go" before walking over to join Pops who was standing near the door waiting for me.  "I can't keep saving you and your brothers from bad dates" Pops said as we got into his car.  "You don't know the struggle Pops, you married the first and only guy you ever dated" I teased. 

I walked into the house and just threw my gym bag on the chair in the living room; Thomas looked at me and signed "Did you have fun at your date?" "I'm only dating hearing people from now on" I replied without stopping on my way to take a shower.

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