CHAPTER II. the dark water

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{"who in his mind has not probed the dark water?"}

During her watch over Captain Typho's security detail on the lower floor, Ingrid had discovered that some of the cameras connected to her view scanner weren't showing Padmé in her room, and decided to see if Obi-Wan and Anakin knew what was going on. It had gotten dark out, and she could sense Padmé sound asleep in her bedroom. Her fatigued body ached, and she yearned for a chance to get some sleep as well, but the drive to protect her friend was enough to keep her eyes open. She was used to not sleeping, anyway

When she entered the living room, Anakin and Obi-Wan were bickering again. "Not another lecture," Ingrid heard Anakin complain to his Master. "At least not on the economics of politics."

Coming to Anakin's rescue, Ingrid interrupted their conversation. "Is there anything you two don't argue about?" she asked. The two turned away from each other to look at her, and she lift the palm-sized view scanner up for them to see. "Do you know why I can only see Artoo?"

"The Senator covered the cameras," Obi-Wan explained, and then shot Anakin an accusing look. "She has decided to use herself as bait to catch the assassin that is after her."

"What?" Ingrid said, any trace of a smile morphing into concern, and a tiny bit of anger. "Is she insane?"

"It's not a bad idea," Anakin defended. "If we're going to stop the attacks, we need to know who's behind them. This is the best way to figure that out."

"But it puts her in danger in the process," Ingrid said. "We could've used a decoy or-" She could have ranted for ages, but she was stopped suddenly by a cold feeling running through her, like she had been plunged into ice water. Something was wrong.

"I feel it too," Obi-Wan said recognizing her facial expression, and all three of them darted out of the living room, tearing down the hall to Padmé's sleeping chambers. They burst into the room, and Ingrid spotted two Kouhuns; small, venomous creatures, inches from Padmé's head. Anakin sprung into action, leaping onto the bed and whacking the deadly creatures in half with his lightsaber. At the sound of the blue blade so close to her head, Padmé awoke with a gasp, sitting up.

Obi-Wan spotted the probe droid hovering outside the window only a second before Ingrid did, and before she could react, he raced towards it, crashing through both the blinds and the glass window and grabbing onto it as it flew away.

"Anakin, stay with her!" Ingrid shouted to the padawan before running out of the room, passing by Dormé, several guards, and Captain Typho, whom had been alerted by R2-D2. Moving as quickly as she could, Ingrid ran out of the building and towards a group of speeders, parked in a line. Spotting the nearest open one, she vaulted into the passenger's seat. Starting it as quick as she could, she sped off toward the skylanes.

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