CHAPTER XVI. great enemies

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{"we could have been great enemies, but somewhere along the line, i fell in love with you"}

As Ingrid piloted her ship closer to the sinkhole that Grievous was rumored to be hiding out in, she became acutely aware of a presence that always managed to make her falter. It was a part of a force-user's connection to their environment that allowed them to feel the presence of other force users, but for a reason unbeknownst to Ingrid, she could always sense Obi-Wan Kenobi much easier than any other. She knew he experienced this as well; even after their parting of ways, they shared a sort of connection that could never be defined with words. Unfortunately, this connection meant he could sense her too.

As a Jedi, Ingrid would have been able to, at least partially, conceal her presence from Obi-Wan by allowing herself by burying her emotions. However, under the teachings of Dooku, she had learned the ways of the dark side of the force. Rather than repress her emotions, something she despised about the Jedi order's teachings, she was taught to use them as a tool. The first time she was taught this, Ingrid had revelled in the power she felt as she harnessed her anger, hatred, and fear, and she wasn't about to put those feelings aside in that moment. These feelings were too powerful to be corralled in now, especially when her revenge was so close. If she was lucky, Obi-Wan would be more concerned with his own mission to be concerned with apprehending her yet again. This mission held a lot of meaning for the both of them, seeing as Ingrid was avenging Grievous's betrayal of her and Obi-Wan had the power to end the war should he succeed in defeating Grievous. It was all a matter of who would get to the droid general first.

She found Grievous on the tenth level of the sinkhole, marked so conveniently by the Trade Federation core ship that had been landed beside the level. Using her acrobatic abilities she had picked up while training alongside Asajj Ventress, she practically flew across the rock walls of the sinkhole until she found herself hanging from a ledge that gave her a perfect view of the Separatist leaders that had gathered on the remote planet. The General stalked back and forth in front of them, and Ingrid's blood began to boil as he watched him, hungry for her revenge. She hoisted herself onto the ledge that overlooked the council meeting, waiting for the opportune moment.

"I won't be long before the armies of the republic track us here," Grievous's harsh and robotic voice were like nails on a chalkboard. "I am sending you to the Mustafar system in the Outer Rim. It is a volcanic planet. You will be safe there."

"Safe," Viceroy Nute Gunray did not seem so convinced. "Chancellor Palpatine managed to escape your grip, General. Without Count Dooku and Furiosa, I have doubts about your ability to keep us safe." The other council members hummed and nodded in agreement of his statement, Ingrid smirked. Sidious and Grievous may have believed she had overstayed her welcome, but at least some of the Separatist leaders had valued having her as an ally.

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