CHAPTER VI. fire from within

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{"as if you were on fire from within. the moon lives in the lining of your skin"}

Obi-Wan trailed closely behind Jango's ship as it approached the desert planet of Geonosis, with Ingrid sitting in the gunner's seat once again. She couldn't see what was ahead of them due to her position facing backwards, but she saw the Mandalorian ship on her scanner as it flew straight into the asteroid belt that wrapped around the planet.

"He must've seen us coming," Obi-Wan said, noticing the bounty hunter's route as well. "Brace yourself." Ingrid nodded, and he flew them in between the asteroids, several coming dangerously close to the ship.

Another beeping red light, this time smaller, appeared on Ingrid's radar, and her eyes widened. "Obi-Wan, what the hell is that?" she asked.

"Seismic charges," Obi-Wan said. "Stand by."

The red dot was fast approaching, but it missed the ship completely, and Ingrid watched in fly by her window. The silver cannister managed to avoid the asteroids until it finally crashed into one, blowing up in a blue ball of energy. For a split second it seemed as if the explosion had collapsed in on itself, but then it exploded with a deafening bang, expanding in a ring of seismic energy that demolished everything it it's path. Obi-Wan managed to dodge the disc-shaped blast, but there was nothing he could do to escape the debris. Pieces of asteroid flew at them from every which way, causing Ingri to cry out in fear as the ship was rocked around.

Another silver cannister floated past her window, and, just like the last one, it was silent at first, before the pulse blew with a loud boom. This time, the energy ring cut threw a particularly large asteroid, nearly crushing them with the remains.

On her scanner, Ingrid saw that Jango flew his ship into a tunnel that had been carved into an asteroid, Obi-Wan following in suit. The insides of the giant asteroid were like a maze, and Obi-Wan must've lost track of Jango's ship, because when he flew their ship out of the tunnels, Ingrid saw the bounty hunter's ship fall into line behind them.

"He's behind us," Ingrid said, flipping switches and preparing the guns incase she had to fire. Red lasers came from Jango's ship, and she immediately fired back, not before several lasers skimmed their ship, making the starfighter shudder.

"Blast! This I why I hate flying," Obi-Wan said, and Ingrid laughed.

"I knew it!" she called to him as she fired back at Jango, getting a few shots in while she fired back. While they were both mostly destroying the asteroids around them, Jango managed to get a good hit in, causing one of the starfighter wings to flame up.

Ingrid was about to retaliate, but she saw that Jango had resorted to using something bigger than a laser blast as a missile came sailing towards them. Ingrid fired her laser cannons at it, attempting to blow it up before it crashed into their ship, but it seemed to be programmed to avoid shots, as it swerved around every one.

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