CHAPTER V. certain dark things

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{"i love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul"}

The starfighter came out of hyperspace in front of the storm-shrouded planet of Kamino. Obi-Wan sat in the pilot's seat, with a red astromech droid in the droid socket and Ingrid in the rear-facing tail gunner's seat.

"There it is," Obi-Wan said. "Right where it should be. The missing planet, Kamino."

"Now let's see why it went missing in the first place," Ingrid said. Obi-Wan breathed deeply in response, and Ingrid frowned as she felt his nerves and uneasiness towards their mission travel through the force. He was always incredible at concealing his feelings, but the wall he put up was faltering.

"What's wrong Obi-Wan?" she asked him, and he paused before replying to her.

"I have a bad feeling about this entire mission," he confessed. "I feel like we're walking into a trap." She could see that the shroud that had long concealed Kamino and whatever was occurring on it's surface disturbed him; he had never felt such insecurity towards a mission.

Ingrid nodded. "I know what you mean," she said. "We don't know what to expect. We're going in blind." Judging by his sigh, she hadn't consoled him much, so she tried to get to her point. "But this is what we do. Put our life on the line for the greater good."

Ingrid attempted to put passion into her last statement, but she could not. As she said it, she realized that she didn't really believe in it. She truly believed that the lives of Jedi were valuable; possibly the most important. They were the only ones who could bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy yet the council treated them like they were expendable. Octavia was a victim of this, and Ingrid couldn't stand it.

But, if they were going to save Padmé, she couldn't do anything about it. All she could do was make sure Obi-Wan didn't become the next casualty of the Council's indifference.

"We have each other," she continued. "I'll watch your back, if you watch mine."

"Always," Obi-Wan said, and a smile worked it's way onto her face.

"Always," she echoed.

Flying through the thick clouds and fog, Obi-Wan managed to land them safely on a platform, the heavy rain pounding down the roof of their ship. The canopy lifted, and the two Jedi got out of the starfighter, using their hoods to protect from the rain. They made their way to the brightly-lit doors of the tower connected to the platform, and to the pair's surprise, the doors slid open almost immediately.

After a moment of uncertainty, they stepped inside the stark white hall, and Ingrid was nearly blinded by the light as she removed her hood. Glancing at Obi-Wan, she saw that, like herself, the hood had down nothing to protect his hair from the rain, and the was soaking wet, sticking to his face. However, despite the messiness, he still managed to look incredible, and for a moment, when his blue eyes met her own, she was lost.

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