CHAPTER IX. the space where they should lie

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{"it's not the endings that will haunt you, but the space where they should lie, the things that simply faded, without one final wave goodbye"}

The next thing Ingrid knew, she and Obi-Wan were being dragged onto a chariot, pulled by some sort of hideous creature that could only have come from such a rotten planet like Geonosis. With their hands bound and their lightsabers stripped away, Ingrid and Obi-Wan had no way to escape, and all they could do was wait to be pulled to their death.

Ingrid couldn't figure out much from the dark tunnel they were currently in, but at the end of it, she could see bright light, which was presumably the exit point. From it, the distant shrieks of Geonosians could be heard, and Ingrid immediately knew that wherever they were about to go, it wasn't good.

"Ingrid..." Obi-Wan said, and Ingrid's eyes darted to him in an instant. "I know there's some... tension right now, but we need to put it aside if we are going to survive this." Ingrid nodded.

"Okay," she breathed out. It hurt her just to be near him, but she had to focus on surviving more before she could think about anything else. "Where do you think they're taking us?"

"I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling about this," Obi-Wan said. They were getting closer and closer to emerging from the tunnel, and an ominous dark cloud seemed to loom over Ingrid. However, despite the unknown danger they were about to face, she found herself giggling.

Obi-Wan looked at her as if she had sprouted two more heads, and she covered her mouth with her hand to compose herself. She knew it was an inappropriate time for laughter, but she had to find some levity in their situation. Otherwise, she'd have a nervous breakdown.

"Have you gone mad?" he asked, and Ingrid shook her head, sobering up.

"No," she said. "I just realized how much we say that. You'd think, that after so many circumstances of these bad feelings coming true, we'd learn to listen to them."

Obi-Wan smiled at her despite himself. "You'd think so."

Ingrid felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of his smile, but it steadied quickly. She had to stop thinking about him as more than just a colleague. It would only cause her more pain to have hope.

Perhaps it would be better, not having anything she was leaving behind. Esmé and Padmé would be better off without her, and she certainly didn't matter to the Order. She didn't have to kick and scream; she could greet death like an old friend. And yet, there was still a fear inside her, something that held her back from accepting her fate. She didn't want to die, but the motivation was self-preservation, as opposed to a person.

He seemed to sense what he was thinking, because his smile quickly dropped, and they faced forward again. His words in the cell rang in her eyes, but Ingrid did her best to come up with some sort of escape plan, even though it proved to be difficult when she wasn't aware of what they were about to face.

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