CHAPTER XIII. loving you was loving war

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{"loving you was loving war. when the bloodshed ended, we couldn't even recognise each other."}

"Skywalker and Kenobi can not be allowed to escape," Ingrid said as she hurried into the bridge, where General Grievous was waiting for her as commanded.

"Find them," the cyborg turned to the droids under his command, speaking in between violent coughing fits. "Now!" The droids quickly went to work, nervously tittering as they searched for the Jedi that were roaming freely around the flagship. Ingrid paced back and forth as she tried to reach out in the force to find the duo, but she was far too distracted by the infuriating thought of them managing to escape while she went down with the damaged ship. As his subordinates followed his orders, Grievous turned to Ingrid.

"What of Lord Tyranus?" he coughed out.

"Killed. By Skywalker," Ingrid said, studying the reaction of Grievous. His face was devoid of emotion; replacing his entire body with the parts of a droid left him a cold shell, but there was one thing natural left about him. His amber-green eyes told her everything she needed to know about his inner thoughts- if there was a natural heart left inside his metal skeleton, his eyes were a window to every emotion within.

Ingrid had crushed Grievous' hope. Hope in the survival of the man whom, despite the cruel comments and overall disgust towards the cyborg general, had taught him the ways of lightsaber combat. Grievous would never be a real Sith, let alone Jedi- his enhancements didn't do enough to keep up with those with a natural connection to the force- but Dooku had gotten him closer than he ever had.

"General, we found the Jedi," one of the droids finally said, and Ingrid sighed in relief. "They're in Hallway 328."

The General hacked for a moment before responding. "Activate ray shields," he managed to get out.

After an unbearably long amount of time in which Ingrid stomped up and down the bridge, thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong due to the stupidity that had been programmed into the Separatist droids, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Chancellor Palpatine were led onto the bridge with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

"I must say," Ingrid taunted as they walked in, defenseless without their lightsabers. "That wasn't much of a rescue."

"That depends on how you look at it," Obi-Wan replied, calm and collected as ever.

"Oh yes, General Kenobi, the Negotiator," Grievous said. Grievous and Obi-Wan had faced off many times, and no one hated Kenobi more than Grievous. "We've been waiting for you. And Anakin Skywalker... I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little... older," the cyborg general attempted a dig at Anakin, but judging by the smirk on his face, the insult had gone over Anakin's head.

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