CHAPTER VIII. sometimes

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{"tonight i can write the saddest lines: i loved her, and sometimes she loved me too"}

When Ingrid woke up, she felt like she was floating. However, upon closer inspection, she realized that there was a blue energy field her, all the while rendering her unable to move through the cuffs around her wrists and ankles.

The rocky walls that surrounded her told her that she was still inside one of the Geonosian towers, but Obi-Wan was nowhere to be seen, and her mind began to wander to horrific things that could have happened to him. She was the reason they had been captured, so if something happened to him, it was her fault.

The metal doors suddenly slid open to reveal Count Dooku, who had a smug look on his aging face. She had experienced his dark presence while observing the Separatist meeting, but now that they were face-to-face, it was overwhelming.

"Where am I?" Ingrid demanded the moment he stepped inside the room. The energy field was rotating her, but she tried to keep her eyes on him. "Where's Obi-Wan?"

"You are safe, I assure you," Dooku said, his deep voice echoing throughout the room. The way he spoke made her think that he was trying to come off as a sort of friend, as a way to sway her to whatever his cause may be.

"That doesn't answer my questions," Ingrid said, and Dooku had the audacity to chuckle. The sound was infuriating; she was trying her best to be intimidating, despite being captured, and it was amusing to him.

"Do you know who I am, my dear?" Dooku asked her, once again avoiding answering her. He was walking in circles around her, his cape billowing as he did so. Dooku referring to her as 'my dear' forced her to repress a shudder.

"Count Dooku," Ingrid spat.

"Beyond that," he said, ignoring the tone that she spoke his name with, and the brunette frowned.

"No," she admitted.

"I assume you know who Qui-Gon Jinn was," said Dooku, and Ingrid to furrowed her brows.

"Yes," she said, recalling her past conversation with Obi-Wan about their Masters. "He was Obi-Wan's master."

"Yes, but before that, he was my Padawan," Dooku said, and Ingrid's eyes widened. It was often difficult for her to remember that even though the Masters seemed to know everything, they were once as clueless as she was when she was a Padawan. "I know you are aware of the bond between Master and Padawan, and how painful it is when you lose one." Ingrid avoided his eyes as sadness surged through her. "I loved Qui-Gon; he was a brother to me."

"And you lost him," Ingrid said, and a sudden fury blazed in Dooku's eyes.

"He was taken!" he bellowed, and Ingrid flinched at the sound of his yell.

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