CHAPTER XX. to ruins

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{"you will love her to ruins"}

As Ingrid slept, she dreamt of an ocean. With her limbs stretched out around her, she floated on the surface of the calm, cool water. The current lightly tugged at her hair and waves lapped at her sides, the spray of the sea leaving salty droplets on her lips. If she turned her head to either side, she could see nothing but the horizon, as if the ocean went on forever. The apparent endlessness of the body of water, in normal circumstances, would have made Ingrid panic, but she had never felt more at peace drifting with the current. The distant echo of voices seemed to rise from the waves, but they were unidentifiable, nothing more than the hiss of kind souls beneath the surface of the sea.

Ingrid closed her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath and inhaling the salty air. A small smile worked its way onto her face; peace had always seemed something so far out of reach, but here, it was right in her grasp. Her eyes slowly opened to look up at the bright sun, only to find that the sky had darkened, dark clouds rolling in at a rapid pace. Lightning streaked across the sky, accompanied by a clap of thunder. The previously calm ocean began to churn beneath her, waves rising high above her head. The clear water had been stained an inky black, and as the waves loomed over her, moments away from dragging her into the depths of the sea, the once soft voices raised their volume. They were screaming now, their voices loud in her ear- if only she could understand them.

The waves crashed down on top of her, throwing her beneath the surface of the water, and all sounds ceased. Desperate for breath, Ingrid attempted to swim her way back up to the surface, but the wave had thrown her off balance, making it impossible to figure out which direction was the surface and which direction was the ocean floor. It seemed that the ocean itself was trying to crush her, and her head screamed at her, begging for air. Panic clinging to her chest, she looked around in the water, desperate for any sign that pointed to the direction of the surface, but saw nothing. Only darkness.

Her vision began to blur and her head spun, but through the darkness of the vicious sea, she saw a figure materialize in the black. Darth Vader seemed to walk through the water like he was standing on solid ground, and Ingrid kicked violently in an attempt to get away from him. His handsome face twisted into an evil smile, and despite all her efforts, he came closer and closer until he was standing in front of her. In a flash of blue light, he had ignited his saber, slicing through her stomach.

Ingrid awoke from her dream with a scream, her hands immediately flying to her abdomen, where Anakin's blade had sliced through her flesh. The movement caused a pain to ripple through her stomach, and she winced, gingerly lifting her fresh shirt to find a bandage wrapped around her stomach. Her heartbeat quickened as her eyes scanned the unfamiliar room she had woken up in, wondering how she had ended up there and not dead on the veranda.

At the sound of footsteps coming from just outside the door, her hand instinctively went to her waist, where her lightsaber normally hung. Instead, her hand found nothing, and her heart dropped. She felt around up the bed sheets, searching for the smooth surface of the hilt of her lightsaber, but found nothing. Suddenly, the door opened.

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